Before backing up software, in general you must:
SMS allows you to configure a NetWare®server as a backup server while installing NetWare 6. It also allows you to create NDS® Backup Queue and SMDR Group objects.
To customize the settings while running the Install program, do the following:
In the Final List of Products to be Installed dialog, click Customize.
Select Storage Management Services from the list of NetWare Services > click Configure.
The SMS Setup dialog box with default values for NDS Backup Queue and SMDR Group objects displays.
Enter the name of the eDirectory tree where the SMS objects will be created.
Enter the name of the backup server and the context.
Accept the default for the SMDR Group context where the SMDR Group object is to be created, or enter a new context.
The SMDR Group object is where all NetWare and workstation SMDRs are registered for name resolution purposes.
Accept the default name of the Backup Queue where all backup jobs will be submitted, or enter a new name and context.
Controller and device drivers control the mechanical operation, such as read, write, forward, back, and stop of various storage devices and media.
Ensure that you have installed the storage device controller and storage device according to the hardware manufacturer's instructions.
When NetWare 6 is installed, the device drivers are placed in the startup.ncffile automatically.
Whenever you want to add new drivers, you can either place them in STARTUP.NCF or use the following steps:
At the server console prompt, enter:
For example, to load the drivers from drive C:, enter:
In NWCONFIG, select Driver Options > Configure Disk and Storage Device Drivers > Discover and Load Additional Drivers [or] Select an Additional Driver.
(Conditional) If you loaded HAM drivers, or if you added an external device, enter the following at the server console prompt:
To register the storage device with the system, enter the following at the server console prompt:
NOTE: If you load the drivers from the STARTUP.NCF file, you do not need to use the SCAN FOR NEW DEVICES command.
Target Service Agents are loaded on servers and workstations. If you want to back up a server, load the TSA on the server. Ensure that the controllers and device drivers are loaded.
Table 2. Server Console Commands for Backup and Restore of Various Target Services
Follow these general steps when backing up or loading the software:
Backing up the eDirectory database. Load TSANDS.NLM once on the server with a replica of the largest partition.
Backing up the file system. Load TSAFS.NLM for its server and on every server to be backed up.
Backing up cluster-enabled pools. Load TSAFS.NLM on the target server and the backup servers.
Backing up workstations. Load the appropriate TSA on the workstation.
Loading the files on startup. Place the required commands in the server's STARTUP.NCF and in the workstation's NET.CFG file.