The following parameters can be used to enhance the iPrint HTML pages. The parameters are used in the HTML files as PARAM NAME=parameter VALUE=identifier statements.
Used to target the results from the onchange JavaScript function associated with selecting jobs from the job list. The JavaScript function causes the browser to reload the indicated control frame passing the list of selected jobs as a parameter.
If debug is set to True, message boxes with debug and profiling information are displayed.
Example: PARAM NAME=debug VALUE=true
As a printer is being installed, the plug-in can optionally set some default driver options. For a list of driver options, see Changing Printer Driver Default Install Options .
PARAM NAME=driver-options VALUE=papersize:A4;duplex:vertical;color:false
Used to tell the plug-in how to report errors associated with the requested operation. The plug-in has the ability to return the errors in.
The plug-in defaults to the same reply mechanism that is specified in results-type if error-type is not specified.
PARAM NAME=error-type VALUE=html
Specifies a printer ready file that can be passed to the plug-in for printing. This mechanism bypasses the print provider and the print driver. The printer does not need to be installed on the workstation to use this operation.
PARAM NAME= file-path-name VALUE=directory path\filename
The plug-in can perform several operations on jobs. job-list is a comma-delimited string of job IDs to indicate which jobs to operate on. A job list with the job ID of -1 is equivalent to selecting all jobs
PARAM NAME=job-list VALUE=3,5,7
When the plug-in creates the HTML for job-list, it can add buttons to allow the user to hold, resume, delete, or display information for selected jobs. This parameter is used to specify which buttons to display and support.
The following are the possible buttons:
PARAM NAME=job-list-options VALUE= op-job-hold,op-job-hold-release,op-job-cancel, op-job-get-info
Printer installation can be temporary or permanent. If not specified, persistence defaults to persistent. Persistence is used to indicate the duration the printer is to be installed for. The choices include the following:
PARAM NAME=persistence VALUE=volatile-reboot
PARAM NAME=persistence VALUE=volatile-date-time:2001,3,22,8,30
Indicates which printer the operation should be directed to.
PARAM NAME= printer-url VALUE=ipp://DNS name/ipp/printername
Used to tell the plug-in how to report the results of the requested operation. The plug-in has the ability to return the results in one of the following ways:
The plug-in defaults to none if results-type is not specified.
PARAM NAME=result-type VALUE=html
Used to specify the name of the frame in which to put the results and/or error information into. If the operation results type is url, the target frame will be the one reloaded with the indicated URL.
PARAM NAME=target-frame VALUE=FrameName