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Using the IPXPING Utility on the Workstation

The program is a DOS utility that determines the time to transport IPX packets to a specific server and back. IPXODI (or an equivalent IPX interface) must be loaded before IPXPING can be used. The time is displayed in milliseconds (although resolution is 1/18 second). The user can specify the number of pings to send and the interval between sends. A summary of the high, low, and average times is displayed when the program terminates. The program terminates when the acknowledgment to the last ping is processed or when the user presses Ctrl +C or Break .

This topic contains the following sections:


IPXPING <netaddr> [/s=<size>] [/r=<repeat>] [/d=<delay>] [/c=<char>]

All parameters except netaddr are optional. If no parameters or an invalid parameter is entered, help is displayed. The parameters are case-insensitive. A minus (-) sign can be used instead of a slash (/).


The netaddr parameter is the internal network address of the server to ping. It is an eight-digit hexadecimal value. The server must support the IPX ping protocol.

The size parameter is the number of data bytes (excluding the IPX PING header) in the ping data packet. The default size is 100 bytes. The size is limited by the maximum packet size supported by the driver. If an invalid size is specified, a packet overflow error occurs.

The repeat parameter is the number of times to send the ping. The default is 1.

The delay parameter is the number of seconds to delay between successive pings. The default is 1; you can set the value to 0.

The char parameter is the character to fill the ping buffer with. The default character is P.


To use IPXPING.EXE, type the following command at the DOS prompt:

ipxping 2e64afe3

The following information is displayed:

IPXPING: estimated time to send a 0.5K packet to 2E64AFE3 is 166 ms.IPXPING: sent ping packet number 1.IPXPING: packet 1 response received in 166 ms.IPXPING: 1 send, 1 received, low 166 ms high 166 ms, average 166 ms.

NOTE:  If you don't receive a response to the final ping, press Ctrl+C to terminate the program. Otherwise, IPXPING will wait until it receives a response.

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