Generating Audit Reports

You must be an Auditor to generate reports. See Setting the User as Auditor for details.

Audit reports provide the details of all the audited events that satisfy the various filtering criteria specified in the parameters. Reports can be generated using one of the following methods:

Generating Reports

Audit reports provide data of all the audited events. The audit data can be filtered using the criteria set based on target objects, filters, and dates. The objects on which the events are generated are called target objects.

  1. From the NAAS menu, click Reports.

    The Reports screen with options to enter target objects, filters, and dates is displayed.

  2. To filter audit data based on the target objects:

    1. Check Enable Filtering on Target Objects.

    2. Add the target objects required for report generation.

  3. To filter audit data based on filters, follow the steps in Apply Filters during Report Generation .

  4. To filter audit data based on the dates:

    1. To get the audit data corresponding to the events on a specific date, check Enable Filtering on Start Date. Type the start date in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.

    2. To get the audit data corresponding to the events generated till a specific date, Check Enable Filtering on End Date. Type the end date in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.

  5. Click OK to filter the audit data based on the set criteria and generate the report.

After the report is generated, it can be saved as a .CSV file. This enables you to open the file in a spreadsheet application like Microsoft* Excel.

Generating Reports in non-English Languages

When generating reports in some non-English language environments with Oracle 8i on NetWare 5.1 as the NAAS database, some character sets might not be clear.

To resolve this problem, complete the following at the database server.

IMPORTANT:  Before proceeding, back up the database.

  1. If the database is running, stop it using ORASTOP and ORAUNLD at the Netware 5.1 server console.

  2. Start the database by using ORALOAD and ORASTART at the Netware 5.1 server console

  3. Enter SVRMGR31 at the Netware 5.1 server console.

  4. Enter SYSTEM and enter the password.

    By default, the password is manager.

  5. Execute the following SQL commands:





  6. Restart the Oracle database server.

Executing Queries

  1. From the NAAS menu, click Query.

    The query screen is displayed.

  2. Type the SQL condition for the statement SELECT * FROM NAASADMN.TRAIL WHERE (condition).

    The auditor can provide a condition based on the following fields

    To generate reports based on the IP address or MAC address of source machine, use the following query:

    IMPORTANT:  The FDNs in the condition should be entered in lowercase.

  3. Click OK to filter the audit data based on the specified query and generate the audit report.

After the report is generated, it can be saved as a .CSV file. This enables you to open the file in a spreadsheet application like Microsoft Excel.