NetWare Server Disks and Storage Devices Administration Guide

With NetWare®, you can create up to four NetWare (or other) partitions on one hard disk. The primary storage and file system for NetWare is Novell® Storage ServicesTM (NSS). For information about the NSS file system, see Novell Storage Services Administration Guide in the Novell Storage Services Administration Guide.

After you create partitions on your storage devices, you can create volumes where you place your data files. There are two types of volumes you can create: traditional NetWare volumes and NSS logical volumes. For more information about NSS logical volumes see Create Logical Volumes in the Novell Storage Services Administration Guide.

To maintain and modify your storage and file system, you use your server console, ConsoleOneTM, and MONITOR utilities. In ConsoleOne, you can create, modify, and purge partitions and volumes. MONITOR provides important disk use and file statistics. You can use MONITOR to review disk usage and availability. You can also use it to review data block placement and redirection. For instructions on using MONITOR, see MONITOR in Utilities Reference.

To optimize your server's storage devices, follow the general recommendations found in Optimizing the File System Performance .

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