026: On a NetWare 3.11 server, you must load LSLENH.NLM before you load MSM31X.NLM.
Source: NE1000-NW.LAN, NE2-NW.LAN, NE2000-NW.LAN, NE3200-NW.LAN
Possible Cause: The Link Support Layer (LSL) and Media Support Module (MSM) have been loaded on a NetWare 3.11 server. An attempt was made to load LSLENH.NLM. The computer cannot load LSLENH.NLM after the MSM has been loaded. (LSLENH.NLM adds enhancement to the LSL.)
Action: Unload MSM31X.NLM; then load LSLENH.NLM. After the LSLENH.NLM has been loaded, load MSM31X.NLM again.