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Use at the server console to display a list of protected address spaces or to add or remove restart functionality from an existing address space.

Restart functionality means that if the protected address space faults, the memory management system automatically closes the space, cleans up its resources, restarts the space, and reloads modules into it.



Parameter Use to

no parameter)

Display a list of address spaces and the modules loaded into them.

RESTART address_space

Add restart functionality to the designated address space.

NO RESTART address_space

Remove restart functionality from the designated address space.


When you execute PROTECTION without parameters, the server displays a list of all loaded address spaces. Each address space name is followed by a list of the modules loaded into the space, with a short description of each module.

If you add restart functionality to an address space, use the Memory Protection No Restart Interval parameter to prevent the address space from repeatedly faulting and then restarting. See Memory Parameters.

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