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Use at the server console to load NLMTM programs into a protected address space when the commands to load the NLM programs are in a .ncf file. Specify the .ncf file as a parameter to the command.


PROTECT filename


Use this command when you normally use a .NCF file to load multiple modules at once, and you want the modules to be loaded into the same protected address space.

The command creates a protected address space with the same name as the .ncf file and executes the .ncf file to load all the modules into the space.

For example,

protect grpwise

creates a protected address space called grpwise and reads GRPWISE.NCF to load modules into the protected space.

IMPORTANT:  Remember that not all modules can run in a protected address space. Some modules, such as LAN and disk drivers, MONITOR, and server.exe, must run in the kernel address space. For more information, see Modules Not Allowed in Protected Address Spaces.

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