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Use at the server console to view the RIP Tracking Screen and make it the active screen. This screen displays Router Information Protocol (RIP) traffic on the server.




Incoming Information

Incoming information looks similar to the following:

IN [00D0C200:00001B026C09] 10:53:01am 010123C5 11/22 5300DEEF 3/4 00001EF0 5/365FADE2401 12/98 00001EEE 2/3 C9008617 5/11

The packet is incoming from network address 00D0C200 and from the server at node address 0001B026C09. The packet was sent at 10:53 a.m.

The columns of data that follow the line labeled IN are network numbers that the sending server knows about. For example, 010123C5 and 5300DEEF are the network numbers recognized by the server at address 00001B026C09.

The numbers 11/22 and 3/4 indicate routing information about that network. For example, the 11/ and 3/ indicate the hop count, or number of hops (gateways or routers) from the sending server to this network.

NOTE:  The maximum number of hops a RIP packet travels is 16.

The /22 and /4 indicate the number of ticks (1/18th of a second) that a packet took to reach this network from the sending server.

Outgoing Information

Outgoing information looks similar to the following:

OUT [1986DAD0:8941A801] 11:00:01am00001EEE 2/3 5300DEEF 3/4 00001EF0 5/365FADE2401 2/3 FEED00BB 4/5 ACCCDDD 5/11

The packet is outgoing from network address 1986DAD0 and from the server at node address 8941A801. The packet was sent at 11:00 a.m.

The columns of data that follow the line labeled OUT are network numbers that the sending server knows about. The associated hop and tick count information is listed after each network. For an explanation of these, see Incoming Information.

Connection Request

When a client boots and loads a NetWare® RequesterTM (such as DOS Requester or OS/2* Requester), a Get Nearest Server request is broadcast on the network the station is cabled to.

Any connected server can receive the message and respond to the station with a Give Nearest Server response.

The station initially attaches to the first server that responds to the Get Nearest Server request.

Additional Information

Topic See

Turning off the RIP Tracking Screen


Displaying advertised networks (SAP traffic)


Displaying advertised servers (SAP traffic)


Resetting routers


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