B.13 nssraid

Use this utility to view the status of the NSS RAID 1 (mirror) devices, segment information, to restart and stop the remirror process of the NSS RAID 1 devices, and to delete a single disk mirror RAID 1 device.

B.13.1 Syntax

nssraid status | remirror | abort | delete <RAID_name>

B.13.2 Options

Usage Options



nssraid status

Display the status of all the NSS RAID 1 devices.

nssraid status <RAID_name>

Display segment information of the NSS RAID 1 device.

nssraid remirror <RAID_name>

Restart remirror process on NSS RAID 1 device.

nssraid abort <RAID_name>

Stop remirror process on NSS RAID 1 device.

nssraid delete <RAID_name>

Deletes a single disk mirror RAID 1 device.

B.13.3 Example

To stop remirroring mirror the NSS RAID 1 device, MYRAID1, enter

nssraid abort MYRAID1