A.3 August 2012

Updates were made to the following section. The changes are explained below.

A.3.1 Storage Architectures



Section 2.4.3, Fibre Channel SAN

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2 and later supports Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE), and provides the FCoE initiator management in YaST 2. For information, see Fibre Channel over Ethernet Networks in the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 Storage Administration Guide.

Shared Volume in a Fibre Channel SAN

Added an example of a FCoE deployment.

A.3.3 Storage Solutions



Section 1.1.1, Diverse Storage Devices

For information about Linux POSIX file systems such as Btrfs, Ext3, Reiser and XFS, see Overview of Linux POSIX File Systems in the OES 11 SP3: Linux POSIX Volume Administration Guide.


Added Btrfs to the list of Linux POSIX file systems that are supported in OES 11 SP1.