Archive server on OES 2 SP1 NetWare server fails to version files stored on Netware NSS volume
Archive Server fails to start. Ensure that root is part of the novlxtier group
The database port change is not reflected on modifying arkConfig.xml file.
Browse icon not functional for restoring files with NetStorage in a Firefox browser
Using iManager, job fails to run with an error, “Error authenticating connection, check if eDirectory user name and password are correct.” This error is logged in the debug log file.
Possible Cause: When the value of novlxtier gid is changed, xregd is unable to read the registry files and folders, due to change in ownership and results in failure of the versioning job.
Action: To resolve the issue, do the following:
To change the xtier directory ownership, enter
chown -R novlxregd:novlxtier /var/opt/novell/xtier/xregd
To restart XTier's registry daemon, enter
rcnovell-xregd restart
Using iManager, run the Archive jobs. The jobs run successfully and versions of the files are displayed.
Using iManager, job fails to run with an error, “Error authenticating connection, check if eDirectory user name and password are correct.”
Possible Cause: The eDirectory user is not LUM enabled and part of novlxtier LUM group on the OES 2 server running Archive and Version Services.
Action: Ensure that the eDirectory user is LUM enabled on the server running Archive and Version Services.
For more information on LUM enabling the eDirectory user, see the OES 2 SP3: Novell Linux User Management Technology Guide.
Add the eDirectory user to the novelxtier
LUM group. The group is created on installing the OES 2 server.
To refresh the LUM cache, run namconfig cache_refresh.
Start the Archive and Version Service.
rcnovell-ark start
On restarting the service job runs as per the schedule.
Possible Cause: If a job is manually configured in the arkConfig.xml file using IP address or hostname of the source server.
Action: Ensure that the IP address or hostname mentioned in the source element of the arkConfig.xml is same as the IP address or hostname of the server, where the data to be versioned is located. On updating the IP address or hostname in the arkConfig.xml file, restart the Archive server.
Possible Cause: Casa credentials are not set correct
Action: To reset the password in the CASA store run the following command:
/opt/novell/arkmanager/bin/ --edir-admin=<adminusername>
You will be prompted for the password.
Restart the arkserver using rcnovell-ark restart
In iManager, Undefined Job Name under the section.
, name of the job is listed asPossible Cause: In the Job settings page, source server name is without context.
Action: Delete the job named Undefined Job Name.Create a new job and ensure that the source server name is with context. For example,
Possible cause: The user does not have access to Unix workstation or is not LUM-enabled.
Action: The eDirectory user needs to be LUM-enabled and given access to the Unix workstation by the administrator. For more information, see the Steps to LUM-enable the user.
Possible cause: The Archive server and Client desktop workstation system clocks are not synchronized.
Action: Synchronize the Archive and Client desktop system time.
Possible cause: The archive.cfg file is present at the root level on the NSS Volume of OES 2 SP1 NetWare server.
Action: To get versions, delete the archive.cfg file.
View the server log files available at /var/opt/novell/arkmanager/logs.
Possible cause: NSS is not running
Action: Use rcnovell-nss status to check if NSS is running. If it is not running, start NSS with the rcnovell-nss start command.
Possible cause: Adminfs is not running
Action: Check if adminfs is running with rcadminfs status. If it is not running, start adminfs with the rcadminfs start
Possible cause: Postgresql driver not found.
Action: Check if the postgresql-8.1-404.jdbc3.jar file is available in /usr/share/pgsql directory. If the file does not exist, you need to install the postgresql-jdbc.8.1.rpm file.
Possible cause: One of the cause could be the version of the JDBC driver. By default, the archive server functions with postgresql-8.1-404.jdbc2ee.jar file installed with Novell Open Enterprise Server x.x Product CD.
Action: By default, the archive server functions with postgresql-8.1-404.jdbc2ee.jar file installed with Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 Product CD.If you have installed any other version of .jar file on your system, you need to edit the classpath available in the novell-ark file.
For example, if you have installed the JDBC 3 driver and version of respective jar file is postgresql-8.2-504.jdbc3.jar. Edit the classpath in the novell-ark file as follows:
CP_PATH5: /usr/share/pgsql/postgresql-8.2-504.jdbc3.jar
Possible cause: PostgreSQL database is not running.
Action: Delete the file from the PostgreSQL database data path, then restart Archive server.
Cause: You are running the Archive server as a root user.
Action: Reconfigure Archive and Version Services.
Reconfigure Archive and Version Service to run as a non-root user.
Add the non-root user to the novelxtier
LUM group. The group is created on installing the OES 2 SP1 or later server.
Start Archive and Version Service
rcnovell-ark start
Possible cause: The text editor for example, vi, creates a swap file with a .swp extension on editing a file. The creation of the swap files avoids displaying versions of original files. As per the functionality of text editor, it creates temporary files during the process of modification and saves it with original name after successful modification. The Archive server is designed to capture changes to the file and create versions. So all the changes are tracked and versions are stored even for the temporary files.
Action: Create an
or filter to avoid versioning of temporary files like .swp or .temp. You can set filter using iManager, . Set a filter and specify the extension of files that you want to exclude in the field. For example, .tmpPossible cause: The original file is not stored on NSS file system configured for Archive and Version Services.
Explanation: For example, if original file is stored on ext3, reiserfs or any other file system and symbolic link is created on NSS Primary volume. Any modification to the original file will not create versions on the Primary volume. Versions are available of files stored on NSS file system which is configured for Archive and Version Service.
Explanation: The PostgreSQL instance of Archive service is stopped. When you run rcpostgresql status PostgreSQL status may display as running. This is because the rcpostgresql script checks for any running instance of PostgreSQL database.
Possible cause: If you have configured Archive & Version Service using YaST utility, the scripts are automated and linked to each other. To reflect changes to port number or username through manual edits, you have to modify both the and arkConfig.xml file.
Action: For example, to change the port number to 2456, do the following:
Edit the arkConfig.xml located at /etc/opt/novell/arkmanager/conf/
Replace the number between the portNumber tags
Edit file located at /opt/novell/arkmanager/bin
Replace the port number after –p option in the following line:
su dbuser4 -c "postmaster -D /var/opt/novell/arkmanager/data -h -p 2456 -i"
This changes the database to run on port 2456.
When you are restoring file versions with NetStorage in a Firefox browser, the Browse icon that allows you to browse for the location of the file to be restored is not functional.
Action: Enter the path manually in the