10.4 Novell Cluster Services Configuration and Setup

After Archive service is properly installed and configured, you must create and configure Archive and Version service cluster resource in Novell Cluster Services. This includes configuring Archive and Version service load and unload scripts; setting Archive and Version service start, failover, and failback modes; and assigning the Archive and Version service resource to specific servers in your cluster.

10.4.1 Archive and Version Resource Template

Novell Cluster Services includes an Archive and Version service resource template (AV_Template), that greatly simplifies the process for creating an Archive and Version service cluster resource. Much of the Archive and Version service cluster resource configuration is performed automatically by the AV_Template.

  1. Open your Internet browser and enter the URL for iManager.

    The URL is http:// server_ip_address/nps/imanager.html. Replace server_ip_address with the IP address or DNS name of a server in the cluster or with the IP address for Apache-based services.

  2. Enter your username and password.

  3. In the left column, locate and click Clusters > Cluster Options. You can configure and manage cluster using this section.

  4. Specify a cluster name or browse and select one, the page displays cluster resources for the selected cluster.

  5. The Cluster Objects, lists AV_Template.

    1. Click AV_template > Scripts

      The Load Script includes commands to start the Archive service and the Unload Script includes commands to stop the Archive server.

10.4.2 Creating an Archive Service Cluster Resource

Novell Cluster Services includes an Archive and Version service resource template (AV_Template), that greatly simplifies the process for creating an Archive and Version service cluster resource. Much of the Archive and Version service cluster resource configuration is performed automatically by the AV_Template.

For more information on creating a cluster resource, see Creating a Cluster Resource for a Linux POSIX Volume in the OES 2 SP3: Novell Cluster Services 1.8.8 Administration Guide for Linux.

NOTE:Cluster resource load and unload scripts are automatically generated for NSS pools when they are cluster-enabled.

To create an Archive and Version service cluster resource:

  1. Unmount the shared disk (file system) that was created in Section 10.3.2, Creating Linux POSIX File System Shared Disk Partitions.

    unmount /mnt/ark

    where /mnt/arkmgrdata is the shared disk you had mounted earlier.

  2. Open your Internet browser and enter the URL for iManager.

    The URL is http:// server_ip_address/nps/imanager.html. Replace server_ip_address with the IP address or DNS name of a server in the cluster or with the IP address for Apache-based services.

  3. Enter your username and password.

  4. In the left column, locate and click Clusters > Cluster Options. You can configure and manage cluster using this section.

  5. Specify a cluster name or browse and select one, the page displays cluster resources for the selected cluster.

  6. Select and click the cluster object, that was created in Section 10.3.1, Creating NSS Shared Disk Partition on the Archive volume.

  7. On the Cluster Resources Properties page, select the Scripts tab.

    1. Click Load Script.

      The Load Script displays the script generated during creation of the shared NSS pool.

    2. You can either copy the contents of the Archive load script from Archive Load Script Configuration or from the load script of the AV_Template and paste it in the Load Script of the cluster object just before the exit 0 statement.

    3. Click Unload Script.

      The Unload Script displays the script generated during creation of the shared NSS pool.

    4. You can either copy the contents of the Archive unload script from Unload Script Configuration or from the unload script of the AV_Template and paste it in the Unload Script just before the exit 0 statement.

    5. Click OK.

  8. Using iManager, configure the Archive Server. For more information, see Configuring Archive Volume.

    1. Click Archive Versioning > Archive Server Properties to open the Archive Server Properties window in the main panel.

    2. Specify or browse the name of the eDirectory™ context for the cluster enabled archive server you want to manage.

    3. In the Volume Path field, specify the shared NSS volume and path on the archive server to store the versions of files.

    4. Click OK.

  9. Continue with Section 10.5, Configuring Jobs using iManager

10.4.3 Archive Load and Unload Scripts

Archive Load Script Configuration

The Archive load script page should already be displayed. The load script contains commands to start the Archive service. You must customize some commands for your specific Archive configuration.

The load script appears similar to the following example:


# Shared Linux POSIX Volume###########################

# define the IP address

# define the file system type
#define the container name
# define the device
# define the mount point

#activate the container
  exit_on_error activate_evms_container $container_name $MOUNT_DEV

# mount the file system
  exit_on_error mount_fs $MOUNT_DEV $MOUNT_POINT $MOUNT_FS

# add the IP address
# exit_on_error add_secondary_ipaddress $RESOURCE_IP

# PostgreSQL database configuration#################

# delete existing PostgresSQL pid file
# <data_dir> is the value of DATA_PATH variable from 
# /opt/novell/arkmanager/bin/pg_init.sh.
# DATA_PATH must point to a location on shared disk
# define DATA_DIR
ignore_error rm /<$DATA_DIR>/postmaster.pid

#Archive Versioning Conifguration#######################
# copy state file
  ignore_error mv /opt/novell/arkmanager/arkState.xml /opt/novell/arkmanager/arkState.xml.bak
  ignore_error mv /<$DATA_DIR>/arkState.xml /opt/novell/arkmanager

# start Archive Version Services
  exit_on_error /etc/init.d/novell-ark start  

# return status
  exit 0

Configuring Archive Load script

To customize the Archive and Versioning load script for your specific configuration:

  1. Edit the following line to assign a unique IP address to Archive and Versioning cluster resource:


    Replace a.b.c.d with the IP address you want to assign to the AV cluster resource.

    The IP address for the AV cluster resource allows clients to reconnect to that address regardless of which server is hosting it.

  2. Edit the value of MOUNT_DEV to the location of the device created on configuring the shared Linux POSIX Volume.

  3. Edit the value of MOUNT_POINT to the location you want to mount the device specified by MOUNT_DEV.

  4. Edit the value of the DATA_PATH variable to assign your specific data directory.

    ignore_error rm /<data_dir>/postmaster.pid
  5. Click Next and continue with the unload script configuration.

Unload Script Configuration

The Archive unload script page should already be displayed. The unload script contains commands to stop the Archive service. You must customize some commands for your specific Archive configuration.

The unload script appears similar to the following example:


# define the IP address

# define the file system type
#define the container name
# define the device
# define the mount point

# define the DATA_DIR
# <data_dir> is the value of DATA_PATH variable from 
# /opt/novell/arkmanager/conf/arkdatadir.conf. 
# DATA_PATH must point to a location on shared disk
# stop Archive Version Services
  ignore_error /etc/init.d/novell-ark stop

# del the IP address
  ignore_error del_secondary_ipaddress $RESOURCE_IP

# Stop the postgres sql database
# <arkuser> is PostgresSQL user name 
  ignore_error sudo -u <arkuser> pg_ctl stop -D $DATA_DIR -m fast
# delete existing PostgresSQL pid file  
  ignore_error rm $DATA_DIR/postmaster.pid

# copy state file
  ignore_error cp /opt/novell/arkmanager/arkState.xml $DATA_DIR/arkState.xml

  ignore_error mv /[data_dir]/arkState.xml /opt/novell/arkmanager

# umount the file system
  exit_on_error umount_fs $MOUNT_DEV $MOUNT_POINT $MOUNT_FS

#deactivate the container
exit_on_error deactivate_evms_container $container_name $NCS_TIMEOUT

# return status
exit 0

Configuring Archive Unload script

To customize the Archive and Versioning unload script for your specific configuration:

  1. Edit the following line to assign a unique IP address to Archive and Versioning cluster resource:


    Replace a.b.c.d with the same IP address you specified in the load script.

  2. Edit the value of MOUNT_DEV to the location of the device created on configuring the shared Linux POSIX Volume.

  3. Edit the value of MOUNT_POINT to the location of the mounted path of the Linux POSIX Volumes on a shared disk.

  4. Edit the value of the DATA_PATH variable to assign your specific data directory, then click next.
