E.41 November 2009 (OES 2 SP2)

Updates were made to the following sections. The changes are explained below.

E.41.1 Configuring Novell Cluster Services in a Xen Host Environment

E.41.2 Console Commands for Novell Cluster Services



Section A.4, SBD Utility

This section is new.

E.41.3 Installing Novell Cluster Services on OES 2 Linux



Modifying the Retry Setting for the modprobe.conf.local File

For OES 2 SP2 and later, or if you have installed the latest kernel and qla-driver, use the following setting in the /etc/modprobe.conf.local file:

options qla2xxx qlport_down_retry=2 

No Path Retry

For no_path_retry, a value of fail has the same meaning as a value of 0, and it is more easily understood.

no_path_retry fail 

E.41.4 Managing Clusters



Section 9.14.3, Creating a Non-Mirrored Cluster SBD Partition

Use the EVMSGUI (or EVMSN or EVMS) tool to check the names of the devices if needed, and only use the base (leaf) names with the -d option.

Using SBDUTIL to Create a Mirrored Cluster SBD Partition

This section is new.

E.41.5 Troubleshooting Novell Cluster Services

E.41.6 Upgrading OES 2 Linux Clusters



Section 6.4, Upgrade Issues for OES 2 SP2

This section is new.

E.41.7 What’s New



Section 2.13, What’s New (OES 2 SP2)

This section is new.