E.31 August 2, 2010

Updates were made to the following sections. The changes are explained below.

E.31.1 Configuring Cluster Resources for Shared Linux POSIX Volumes



Configuring a Load Script for the Linux POSIX Volume Cluster Resource

Step 3 describes how to use mount options in the load script.

Creating a Virtual Server Object for the Linux POSIX Volume Cluster Resource

This section was modified to clarify the NCS:NCP Server object is created under the Cluster object for the cluster where you created the shared Linux POSIX volume.

E.31.2 Configuring Cluster Resources for Shared NSS Pools and Volumes



Novell Storage Services

Guidelines for Using Pool Cluster Resources

The Server, Pool, Volume, Cluster Resource, and Cluster objects are recommended to be in the same context (such as ou=ncs,o=novell). If they are in different contexts, you might need to cluster migrate the pool cluster resource back to the node where the pool was created.

E.31.3 Managing Clusters



OES 2 SP2 with Patches and Later

To allow an automatic reboot, set the kernel.panic token to value to 1 in the /etc/sysctl.conf file.