14.2 Setting Up iPrint on the OES 2 Linux Nodes

Perform the steps in this section to set up iPrint and an iPrint cluster resource on the OES 2 Linux nodes in the mixed-node cluster.

14.2.1 Preparing the OES 2 Linux Nodes for iPrint

Because iPrint on NetWare and iPrint on Linux are different, cluster migrating the iPrint cluster resource from NetWare to Linux is not an option. You create a new pool cluster resource on an OES 2 Linux node that will be the iPrint cluster resource on Linux. To set up iPrint on each server, you move the iPrint configuration information from the default Linux installation path on each node to the newly created shared NSS pool resource. Later, you will move the iPrint Driver Store and Print Manager information from the NetWare resource to the OES 2 Linux resource.

  1. In a Web browser, open iManager, then use the Storage role to create a new shared pool and volume on one of the OES 2 Linux servers where iPrint is installed.

    This is the iPrint cluster resource that will contain the iPrint data.

    For information about creating a clustered NSS pool and volume, see Creating Cluster-Enabled Pools and Volumes in the OES 2 SP3: Novell Cluster Services 1.8.8 Administration Guide for Linux.

  2. On the first OES 2 Linux node, set up clustering for iPrint on the shared NSS volume that you created in Step 1.

    1. Log in as the root user to the OES 2 Linux node where the shared pool resource is active, then open a terminal console.

    2. Go to the /opt/novell/iprint/bin folder, then run the iprint_nss_relocate script by entering

      ./iprint_nss_relocate -a admin_fdn -p admin_password -n nss_volume_path -l cluster [-c <Specify Container FDN where iPrint LUM object already
      exists or should be created>] [-w <Specify Container FDN where Apache LUM objects exist>]

      Replace admin_fdn with the comma-delimited fully distinguished name of the iPrint administrator user (such as cn=admin,o=mycompany). Replace admin_password with the actual password of the specified iPrint administrator user. Replace nss_volume_path with the Linux path (such as /media/nss/NSSVOL1) to the shared NSS volume where you want to relocate the iPrint configuration data.

      For information about the script options, see Setting up iPrint on an NSS File System in the OES 2 SP3: iPrint for Linux Administration Guide.

      For example, enter

      ./iprint_nss_relocate -a cn=admin,o=mycompany -p password -n /media/nss/NSSVOL1 -l cluster -c o=mycompany,t=iPrint_Tree -w o=mycompany,t=iPrint_Tree
    3. Review the messages displayed on the screen to confirm the data migration from the local Linux path to the shared NSS path is completed.

  3. For each remaining Linux node in the cluster where iPrint is installed, set up clustering for iPrint by doing the following:

    1. Log in as the root user to the OES 2 Linux node where the shared pool resource is active, then open a terminal console.

    2. Cluster migrate the shared NSS pool resource from the active OES 2 Linux node to this OES 2 Linux node by entering

      cluster migrate resource_name node_name
    3. Log in to the newly active OES 2 Linux node as the root user, then open a terminal console.

    4. Run the iprint_nss_relocate script as described in Step 2.b, using the same values.

    5. Repeat Step 3.a through Step 3.d until all of the OES 2 Linux nodes are configured for iPrint.

14.2.2 Setting Up iPrint on the OES 2 Linux iPrint Cluster Resource

  1. In iManager, select iPrint > Create Driver Store, then create a Driver Store on the OES 2 Linux node where the iPrint cluster resource is active.

    For information, see Creating a Driver Store in the OES 2 SP3: iPrint for Linux Administration Guide.

    Use the IP or DNS name of the shared NSS pool resource that you created in Section 14.2.1, Preparing the OES 2 Linux Nodes for iPrint as the Target Server. For the eDirectory Server Name, choose an eDirectory server that holds a copy of the replica where the Printer Agents will be created.

  2. In iManager, select iPrint > Create Print Manager, then create a Print Manager on the OES 2 Linux node where the iPrint cluster resource is active.

    For information, see Creating a Print Manager in the OES 2 SP3: iPrint for Linux Administration Guide.

    Use the IP or DNS name of the shared NSS pool resource that you created in Section 14.2.1, Preparing the OES 2 Linux Nodes for iPrint as the iPrint Service. For the eDirectory Server Name, choose same server that you specified for the Driver Store. Deselect the Start print manager after creation option.

14.2.3 Setting Up Preferred Nodes for the OES 2 Linux iPrint Cluster Resource

Configure the Preferred Nodes list for the Linux shared NSS pool cluster resource to prevent an inadvertent failback of the resource to a NetWare server.

  1. In iManager, click Clusters > Cluster Manager, then select the cluster where the Linux shared NSS pool resource is currently active.

  2. Select the link for the OES 2 Linux shared NSS pool cluster resource to open its Properties page.

  3. Go to the Preferred Nodes tab.

  4. Move all of the NetWare nodes from the Assigned Nodes list to Unassigned Nodes list.

  5. Click OK to save your changes.

14.2.4 Editing the Load and Unload Scripts for the OES 2 Linux iPrint Cluster Resource

Edit the load and unload scripts for the OES 2 Linux iPrint cluster resource.

  1. Edit the load script. Add the following lines to the existing load script before the exit 0 statement

    ignore_error mv /media/nss/NSSVOL1/var/opt/novell/iprint/iprintgw.lpr /media/nss/NSSVOL1/var/opt/novell/iprint/iprintgw.lpr.bak 

    NOTE:Replace /media/nss/NSSVOL1 in the above command with your actual cluster volume mount point.

    exit_on_error rcnovell-idsd start
    exit_on_error rcnovell-ipsmd start

    The daemons can also be started by using the file path /etc/init.d/novell-idsd start and /etc/init.d/novell-ipsmd start

  2. Edit the unload script. Add the following lines to the existing unload script after the /opt/novell/ncs/lib/ncsfuncs statement:

    ignore_error rcnovell-ipsmd stop
    ignore_error rcnovell-idsd stop

    The daemons can also be stopped by using the file path /etc/init.d/novell-ipsmd stop and /etc/init.d/novell-idsd stop.

  3. Activate the load and unload scripts by taking the resource offline, then bringing the resource online.

14.2.5 Verifying the Status of the iPrint Setup

Verify that the iPrint cluster resource is working by cluster migrating the OES 2 Linux iPrint cluster resource to each OES 2 Linux node in turn and performing the following checks:

  1. Log in as the root user on the OES 2 Linux node where the iPrint cluster resource is active, then open a terminal console.

  2. Check the status of the Print Manager and Driver Store.

    rcnovell-ipsmd status
    rcnovell-idsd status
  3. Test the ability of iprntman to authenticate the admin user (or other user given with miggui).

    iprntman psm -l -u admin
  4. Cluster migrate the iPrint cluster resource to another OES 2 Linux node by entering

    cluster migrate resource_name node_name
  5. Repeat this check for each OES 2 Linux node in the mixed-node cluster.