D.15 May 5, 2008

Updates were made to the following sections. The changes are explained below.

D.15.1 Commands and Utilities for NCP Server and NCP Volumes



Command Line Mode

You must escape quote characters when using ncpcon to issue commands at the console command prompt.

Section A.1.7, Managing NCP Volumes

Corrected errors in the syntax for the mount command and the change volume command.

D.15.2 Configuring NCP Volumes for Novell Cluster Services Clusters



Section 11.2.4, Creating a Virtual NCP Server Object for Shared NCP Volumes

Corrected a misspelled option in Step 2:


Section 11.2.3, Creating a Shared NCP Volume on the Linux POSIX Cluster Resource

Updated the procedure.

Section 11.2.5, Modifying the Load Script for the Linux POSIX Cluster Resource

Corrected syntax errors in the examples as follows:

exit_on_error ncpcon mount volumename=volID@/volumepath
exit_on_error ncpcon mount USERS=254@/media/ncpvolumes/USERS

Section 11.3.1, Sample Load Script for an NCP Volume Cluster Resource

Updated the script.

Section 11.3.2, Sample Unload Script for an NCP Volume Cluster Resource

Updated the script.

Section 11.3.3, Sample Monitor Script for an NCP Volume Cluster Resource

This section is new.

D.15.3 Managing NCP Volumes



Section 10.8, Configuring Inherit POSIX Permissions for an NCP Volume

Corrected the syntax for using the ncpcon change volume command to set the Inherit POSIX Permissions parameter for an NCP volume.

D.15.4 Using Opportunistic Locking for NCP File Handling



Section 13.2, Configuring OpLocks for NCP Server

After changing the Opportunistic Lock (oplock) level in /etc/opt/novell/ncpserv.conf, you must restart ndsd to apply the changes. Open a terminal console as the root user, then enter

rcndsd restart