C.6 Managing the Remote Secondary Connection

The DST functionality is affected when the Novell Client connection is lost or disconnected.

C.6.1 Novell Client Connection Is Lost

When the Novell Client connection between the DST server and the remote server is lost and an automatic restore of the connection happens, the DST shadow volume relationship automatically resumes. User sessions with remote files might be delayed or interrupted, but the files and folders in the remote volume are automatically made available again.

C.6.2 Novell Client Connection Is Disconnected

Each time the DST server is rebooted or the remote server is rebooted, the Novell Client connection to the remote server is disconnected. This can also happen if you intentionally log out of your Novell Client session with the remote server.

You should not allow users to access the primary volume or run policies until the secondary volume is mounted.

To resume the DST shadow volume relationship:

  1. Use the nwlogin command on the DST server to reconnect to the remote server as described in Section C.3, Mounting a Remote NSS Volume with the Novell Client for Linux.

You can do this manually for each remote server, or you can put the nwlogin commands in the startup script so that they happen automatically on reboot.

IMPORTANT:It is a security issue to include the password in a script.

The nwlogin command syntax is:

nwlogin --server <remote_server_IP_address> --tree <tree_name> --user dstusername --context <dstusername_context> --password <dstuser_password>

For example:

nwlogin -s -t MYCOMPANY_TREE -u dstuser -c users.boston.novell -p dstpassword

For more information about the Novell Client command options, see the nwlogin(1) man page, or see Novell Client for Linux Man Pages in the Novell Client 2.0 SP3 for Linux Administration Guide.