Novell Identity Translator is a new service in OES 2015.
Ensure that Your LUM and NIT UID Ranges Don’t Overlap.
For more information, see Not All Users Have UIDs by Default
and Ensuring that Your CIFS-NSS Users Have UIDs
in the OES 2015 SP1: NSS AD Administration Guide.
For AD users, NIT runs in one of two modes, as outlined in Table 6-1.
Table 6-1 NIT AD-UID Mode Summary
AD-UID Mode |
Details |
Generate |
Fetch |
The following changes to a server’s NIT configuration require a server restart:
Changing the AD-UID Generate mode (ad-uid-generate-mode in the nitd.conf file).
The two mutually exclusive options are Generate
and Fetch.
Changing the UID range that NIT uses (uid-start-range or uid-end-range in the nitd.conf file).
For more information, see NIT (Novell Identity Translator)
in the OES 2015 SP1: NSS AD Administration Guide.