Domain Name Service (DNS) is the standard naming service in TCP/IP-based networks. It converts IP addresses, such as, to human-readable domain names, such as, and it reverses the conversion process as required.
The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) assigns IP addresses and configuration parameters to hosts and network devices.
OES includes a ported version of the NetWare DNS service, and an eDirectory integration with ISC DHCP as explained in the sections that follow.
As you plan to upgrade from NetWare to OES, consider the following differences between DNS on NetWare and OES:
Table 10-1 DNS: NetWare 6.5 SP8 vs. OES 2018 SP2
Feature or Command |
NetWare 6.5 SP8 |
OES 2018 SP2 |
Auditing |
Yes |
No |
Console commands: |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
DNSMaint |
Yes |
Yes - dns-maint |
Fault Tolerance |
Yes |
Yes |
Filenames and paths: |
Journal log size |
Specify at the command prompt by using the jsize argument. |
Specify using Java Console, DNS Server Object>Advanced tab > max-journal-size field. |
Management |
Unlike the Netware implementation, command line parameters cannot be passed when loading and unloading. |
SNMP Support |
Yes |
No |
As you plan to upgrade from NetWare to OES, consider the following differences between DHCP on NetWare and OES:
Table 10-2 DHCP: NetWare 6.5 SP8 vs. OES 2018 SP2
Feature or Command |
NetWare 6.5 SP8 |
OES 2018 SP2 |
Auditing |
Yes |
No |
Filenames and paths: |
Management |
iManager 2.7 (Wizard-based) |
Java Console Unlike the NetWare implementation, command line parameters cannot be passed when loading and unloading. |
Migration |
N/A |
There is seamless migration support from NetWare. |
Schema changes |
N/A |
There are separate locator and group objects for centralized management and easy rights management. |
SNMP Support |
Yes |
No |
Subnet naming |
Yes |
No |