22.7 Configuring Compression Preferences for Directories and Files

File and directory compression preferences override the compression settings for the volume and server.

22.7.1 Using the Client for Open Enterprise Server

  1. From a workstation, click the Client for Open Enterprise Server icon (the Sample Volume Properties Attributes Page icon in the notification area), select OES Map Network Drive, then map a drive to the NSS volume by using the login and password of the Administrator user.

  2. Use the following method to open the OES Info dialog box for the file or directory you want to manage:

    In a file manager, navigate to the directory or file you want to manage. Right-click the directory or file, select Properties, then select the OES Info tab in the Properties window.

  3. Do any of the following:

    • Select its check box to enable (set) the Don’t Compress or Immediate Compression attribute.

    • Deselect its check box to disable (clear) the Don’t Compress or Immediate Compression attribute.

  4. Click OK or Apply to accept the changes, or click Cancel to back out of the process.

22.7.2 Using ATTRIB

Use the ATTRIB utility at the Linux terminal console prompt to view or modify file and directory attributes for compression on NSS volumes where compression is enabled.


attrib [options] [filename]


If both the set and clear options are selected, the clear option is completed before the set option. If the filename is not specified, the operation is completed on the current directory.

Table 22-2 Operations Options for the ATTRIB Utility



-s, --set=ATTRIBUTES

Sets the attributes on the specified file or directory.

-c, --clear=[ATTRIBUTES | all]

Clears the attributes on the specified file or directory.

Compression Attributes Options

Table 22-3 Compression Attributes Options for the ATTRIB Utility



Applies to Files

Applies to Directories


Don’t Compress keeps data from being compressed. This attribute overrides settings for automatic compression of files not accessed within a specified number of days.




Immediate Compression sets data to be compressed as soon as a file is closed. If applied to a directory, every file in the directory is compressed as each file is closed.

The files in the specified directory are compressed as soon as the operating system can perform the operation after the file is closed. This does not apply to the directory’s subdirectories and the files in them.



For example, to set the Don’t Compress attribute for all files in the current directory, enter

attrib --set=dc 

To clear the Immediate Compression attribute from the /usr/course/winter/students.sxi file, enter

attrib --clear=ic /usr/course/winter/students.sxi

Viewing Compression Status for Files and Directories

Enter attrib without options to show the compression attribute information for a specified file or for all files in the directory. You cannot modify Status attributes.

Table 22-4 Compression Status for the ATTRIB Utility




Cannot Compress (status display only) displays if the file cannot be compressed because of limited space savings.


Compressed (status display only) indicates whether the file is currently stored in compressed format.

To view the compression status of a file, enter the following at the server console:

attrib filename

Replace filename with the path to the file. For example, to view the attributes of the /usr/course/winter/students.sxi file, enter

attrib /usr/course/winter/students.sxi

To view the compression attributes of all files in the current directory, enter
