1.1 Prerequisites

IMPORTANT:If you are installing Novell Teaming for use with eDirectory and GroupWise, see Meeting Novell Teaming System Requirements on OES 2 or SLES 10 SP1 Servers in Novell Teaming and Conferencing in the GroupWise 7 Interoperability Guide for additional instructions.

You need a few things before you install Novell Teaming:

  1. Computer:

    • Minimum 2 GHz processor

    • Multi-CPU systems preferred

    • Minimum 2 GB RAM

      NOTE:You can potentially run with less RAM for specific development and testing configurations without simultaneous users, lots of database traffic, etc.

      See Memory Guidelines for details.

    • One of the following operating systems:

      • Novell Open Enterprise Server 2.0 (Linux Kernel)

      • SUSEĀ® Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 10 SP1

      • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 or 4

      • Windows Server 2003

    • Linux systems need to have a minimum open file limit of 4096.

      For SLES, add the following lines to the /etc/security/limits.conf file:

      * hard nofile 65535
      * soft nofile 4096
  2. Sun* JDK 1.5.0_011 or higher or the IBM JDK 1.5 installed (NOTE: Java* 1.6 is not yet supported).

    NOTE:Sun* has changed the name of JDK 1.5 to 5.0. In this manual, any reference to the JDK 1.5 refers to JDK 5.0, see http://java.sun.com for more information.

  3. A database server:

    • MySQL* 5.0.26 (or higher) Server and Client for Linux or MySQL 5.0.26 (or higher) Server and Client for Windows. MySql 5.0.26 ships with SUSEĀ® Linux Enterprise Sever (SLES) 10 SP1.

      NOTE:MySQL 5.1 is not yet supported.

    • SQL Server* for Windows* (2000 or 2005)

    • Oracle* 9, 10

    • Enough disk space for the software and for the data files:

      This depends on how much data you plan to put into the system. See sections Database Planning and File System Planning.

      The software takes about 250 MB.

    See Database Planning for details.