One key to effective and efficient teamwork is knowing what people are working on and what they are saying. Vibe enables you to view and act on new entries by using the What’s New page. You can view new entries for various categories, comment on entries, and more.
To perform actions on entries, you must have appropriate rights. For more information about rights, see Controlling Access
in the Novell Vibe 3.2 Advanced User Guide.
By default, the What’s New page is displayed when you first access the Vibe site. If the What’s New page is not displayed, or if you navigate away from it, you can easily access it to view new entries.
in the Action toolbar from any folder or workspace in Vibe.By clicking the appropriate category in the What’s New navigation panel on the left side of the page, you can view new entries for any of the following categories:
Current Folder or Workspace: Displays new entries in the folder or workspace that you are in when you click in the Action toolbar.
My Favorites: Displays new entries in your favorite places.
For information on how to add places as favorites, see Section 3.4.1, Adding a Favorite Place.
My Teams: Displays new entries in your teams.
For more information on how to create a team workspace, see Section 4.3.1, Creating a Team Workspace.
Followed People: Displays new entries that have been added by the people you are following.
For information on how to follow people, see Section 2.5.2, Following People.
Followed Places: Displays new entries that have been added to the places you are following.
For information on how to follow places, see Section 2.5.1, Following Workspaces and Folders.
Site Wide: Displays new entries that have been added anywhere in the Vibe site.
(Optional) If a category contains sub-categories, you can expand the category in the What’s New navigation panel to view new entries in a more specific location. For example, if you are a member of multiple teams, you can expand
and click a specific team to see what’s new in that team workspace.After you view an entry from the What’s New page, the entry is marked as Read. You can mark an entry as Unread, directly from the What’s New page.
Click the next to the entry that you want to mark as Unread.
.You can mark the entry as Read by clicking the next to the entry, then clicking .
For information about how to display only unread entries on the What’s New page, see Section 2.2.8, Displaying Only Unread Entries.
You can reply to entries directly from the What’s New page.
Click the next to the entry that you want to comment on.
.A comment field is opened inline on the What’s New page.
Specify your reply in the provided field, then click
.You can share entries directly from the What’s New page.
Click the next to the entry that you want to share.
.The Share this Entry dialog box is displayed.
Select whether you want to share the entry with users or groups.
Begin typing the name of the user or group that you want to share the entry with in the provided field, then click the name when it appears in the drop-down list. Repeat this step to add multiple users and groups.
In the
section, select the teams who you want to share the entry with.In the
field, provide any additional comments.Click
.You can subscribe to entries directly from the What’s New page.
Click the next to the entry that you want to subscribe to.
.The Subscribe to Entry dialog box is displayed.
Select the e-mail addresses or phone numbers where you want the notifications to be sent. You can subscribe to full e-mails, e-mails without attachments, or text messages.
You can update the e-mail addresses and phone numbers that Vibe uses to send you notifications by modifying your personal profile, as described in Section 1.4.1, Modifying Your Profile.
You can tag an entry directly from the What’s New page.
Click the next to the entry that you want to tag.
.The Tag this Entry dialog box is displayed.
Select either
or , depending on whether you want this tag to be visible to only yourself or to the entire community.For more information about the difference between personal and community tags, see Section 3.6.4, Choosing Between Personal Tags and Global Tags.
Begin typing the name of the tag that you want to apply to the entry.
This field uses type-to-find functionality, so if a tag already exists with the desired name, it appears in the drop-down list. If the name does not appear in the drop-down list, you are creating a new tag.
To see a list of existing tags, click inside the provided field, then press the Spacebar.
Finish typing the name of the tag, or select it from the drop-down list, then click the .
The entry is now marked with the tag that you specified.
.For more information about tags, see Section 3.6, Using Tags.
You can edit and delete entries directly from the What’s New page.
Click the title of the entry or reply that you want to edit or delete.
The entry is displayed.
or in the Entry toolbar.(Optional) Close the entry by clicking the X icon in the upper right corner of the entry to return to the What’s New page.
You can display only unread entries on the What’s New page. By default, all entries are displayed.
On the What’s New page, click
in the upper right corner.Click
.For information about how to mark entries as Unread after you have read them, see Section 2.2.2, Marking an Entry as Unread.
By default, the What’s New page is automatically updated with the latest comments and entries every 60 seconds. You can temporarily stop the What’s New page from updating. This can be helpful if you need more time to look at current entries.
Click the in the upper right corner of the What’s New page.
To resume updates on the What’s New page, click the .
You can configure how many entries you want to show on a single page in the Vibe interface by modifying your personal preferences, as described in Section 5.14, Configuring the Number of Entries to Display on a Folder Page.