NOTE:While the information in this section is still valid, users can achieve the same results (and more) with Vibe 3.1 and later by adding an Enhanced View element to the landing page. For more information, see Enhanced View:
in Adding Content to Your Landing Page
in the Novell Vibe 3.4 Advanced User Guide.
Novell Vibe includes sample custom JSP files that enable you to modify the behavior of Vibe landing pages. Before you implement the sample JSP files that are described in this section, you might want to further customize them to suit your specific needs, as described in Creating JavaServer Pages (JSPs)
in the Novell Vibe 3.4 Developer Guide.
For information on how users can add these custom JSP files to their individual landing pages after the JSP files have been enabled for use, see Adding Content to Your Landing Page
in Creating and Managing Landing Pages
in the Novell Vibe 3.4 Advanced User Guide.
To activate the sample JSP file that enables Vibe users to list entries in a bulleted list for any given folder:
In the Vibe source files, navigate to the \WEB-INF\jsp\custom_jsp\samples directory.
Select and copy the custom_jsp_landing_page_folder_list.jsp file, then paste it into the \WEB-INF\jsp\custom_jsp directory.
HINT:You might want to create separate folders for each custom JSP file inside the custom_jsps directory. This can make managing your custom JSP files more simple. However, users who leverage these sample JSP files from the Vibe site need to enter the relative path to the file. For example: new_folder/custom_jsp_landing_page_entry.jsp.
You can display replies for a single entry, or for all entries that are contained in a folder.
To activate the sample JSP file that allows Vibe users to display entry replies on a landing page when referencing a folder entry:
In the Vibe source files, navigate to the \WEB-INF\jsp\custom_jsp\samples directory.
Select and copy the custom_jsp_landing_page_entry.jsp file, then paste it into the \WEB-INF\jsp\custom_jsp directory.
HINT:You might want to create separate folders for each custom JSP file inside the custom_jsps directory. This can make managing your custom JSP files more simple. However, users who leverage these sample JSP files from the Vibe site need to enter the relative path to the file. For example: new_folder/custom_jsp_landing_page_entry.jsp.
To activate the sample JSP file that allows Vibe users to display entry replies on a landing page when referencing a folder:
In the Vibe source files, navigate to the \WEB-INF\jsp\custom_jsp\samples directory.
Select and copy the custom_jsp_landing_page_folder.jsp file, then paste it into the \WEB-INF\jsp\custom_jsp directory.
HINT:You might want to create separate folders for each custom JSP file inside the custom_jsps directory. This can make managing your custom JSP files more simple. However, users who leverage these sample JSP files from the Vibe site need to enter the relative path to the file. For example: new_folder/custom_jsp_landing_page_entry.jsp.
To activate the sample JSP file that enables Vibe users to participate in a survey directly from a landing page:
In the Vibe source files, navigate to the \WEB-INF\jsp\custom_jsp\samples directory.
Select and copy the custom_jsp_landing_page_survey_entry.jsp file, then paste it into the \WEB-INF\jsp\custom_jsp directory.