25.1 Linux Migration with a MySQL Database

25.1.1 Preparing the Target Linux Server

On the target server:

  1. Install the Vibe 3.4 software on the target server, as described in Section II, Basic Installation, paying special attention to these important details:

    • Set up the same Linux user to run the Vibe software that has been used to run the Vibe software in the source Vibe server.

    • Select the same encryption algorithm for the Vibe database that was used for the source Vibe server.

      IMPORTANT:If the database encryption algorithms do not match between the source and target Vibe systems, you cannot log in to the new Vibe 3.4 site.

  2. Start Vibe on the target server.

  3. Verify that the new Vibe site is working as expected.

  4. Stop Vibe on the target server.

  5. Rename the teaming directory to teaming_backup. In a future step you will copy the teaming directory from the source server to the target server.

    The location of the teaming directory varies by platform:




  6. Continue with Section 25.1.2, Preparing the Source Linux Server.

25.1.2 Preparing the Source Linux Server

On the source server:

  1. Stop Vibe.

  2. Back up your existing database:

    mysqldump -uusername -ppassword sitescape > sitescape.sql

    This creates a file named sitescape.sql in the directory where you executed the mysqldump command.

  3. Ensure that you have a recent backup of your entire Vibe system.

  4. Continue with Section 25.1.3, Transferring Data from the Source Server to the Target Server.

25.1.3 Transferring Data from the Source Server to the Target Server

On the source server:

  1. Mount the target server to the source server so that data can be copied from one server to the other.

  2. In a terminal window on the source server, become the Linux user that runs the Vibe software.

  3. Copy the database backup of your existing Vibe database (sitescape.sql file) that you created in Step 2 in Section 25.1.2, Preparing the Source Linux Server to a convenient temporary location on the target server.

  4. Copy the entire data area from /var/opt/novell/teaming on the source server to the same location on the target server.

  5. (Conditional) If you are using secure LDAP (LDAPS), you need to copy the cacerts file to the same location on the target server.

  6. Continue with Section 25.1.4, Importing the Vibe Database to the Target Server.

25.1.4 Importing the Vibe Database to the Target Server

On the target server:

  1. Remove the empty Vibe database that was created when you installed the Vibe 3.4 software:

    mysql>drop database sitescape;
  2. Change to the directory where you copied the sitescape.sql file in Step 3 in Section 25.1.3, Transferring Data from the Source Server to the Target Server.

  3. Create an empty database called sitescape:

    mysql -uusername -ppassword -e "create database sitescape"
  4. Manually re-create the Vibe database with the data that you copied from the source server:

    mysql -uusername -ppassword sitescape < sitescape.sql

25.1.5 Updating the Vibe Database on the Target Server

You must complete this section only if you are updating from Vibe 3.2 or earlier to Vibe 3.4. (Vibe 3.4 does not contain any database changes, so there is no need to run the update script when updating from Vibe 3.3 to 3.4.)

On the target server:

  1. Unzip the teaming-3.4.n.sql.zip file.

  2. In the teaming-3.4.n-sql folder, change to the resulting update-3.2.0-3.3.n directory, then run the update script to update the database from Vibe 3.2 to Vibe 3.3:

    mysql -uusername -ppassword < update-mysql.sql

    If you are updating from a version prior to 3.2, you need to run the appropriate update scripts in addition to the update script found in the update-3.2.0-3.3.n directory.

    For more complete database update instructions, refer to Section 21.3.2, Manual Vibe Database Update.

  3. Continue with Section 25.1.7, Finalizing Your New Vibe 3.4 Site.

25.1.6 Verifying the Default Zone Name

The default zone name of the target server must match the default zone name of the source server.

To verify that the name of the target server is the same as the zone name of the source server:

  1. On the source server, navigate to the zone-ext.cfg.xml file and view the default zone name.

    The zone-ext.cfg.xml file is located in the following directory:


  2. On the target server, navigate to the zone-ext.cfg.xml file, and view the default zone name.

  3. (Conditional) If the name on the target server is different than the name on the source server, change the name on the target server so that it matches the name of the source server.

    A Vibe site that originated as Teaming 1.0 has the default zone name of liferay.com. In this case, you need to change the default zone name on the target server to liferay.com.

  4. Save and close the zone-ext.cfg.xml file on the target server.

25.1.7 Finalizing Your New Vibe 3.4 Site

  1. Start Vibe 3.4, as described in Section 4.1.7, Starting Vibe on Linux.

  2. Reindex the Vibe site, as described in Rebuilding the Lucene Index in Site Maintenance in the Novell Vibe 3.4 Administration Guide.

    Your Vibe site should now function just as it did on the original source server.