9.6 Managing RSS Feeds

By default, Novell Vibe users can set up RSS feeds in folders on the Vibe site, as described in Viewing Folders as RSS or Atom Feeds in Getting Informed in the Novell Vibe OnPrem 3.1 User Guide.

After planning the RSS settings, complete the planning process for additional Advanced installation features as needed, then perform the Advanced installation as described in Section 10.0, Performing an Advanced Vibe Installation.

9.6.1 Configuring RSS Feeds

The following aspects of RSS functionality on your Vibe site are configurable:

  • Max elapsed days: By default, items from RSS feeds are retained on the Vibe site for 31 days. You can decrease the number of days to reduce the amount of disk space occupied by the RSS files.

  • Max inactive days: By default, if no one on the Vibe site accesses an RSS feed for 7 days, the feed is no longer updated. Increase or decrease the retention time for inactive feeds to meet the needs of Vibe users and disk space considerations.


Under RSS Configuration, specify the number of days that meet the needs of your Vibe site.

9.6.2 Disabling RSS Feeds

Some administrators consider RSS feeds to be a security risk because the RSS feed URL includes username and password information. If you do not want Vibe site users to be able to subscribe to RSS feeds from the Vibe site, you can disable this feature.


Under RSS Configuration, mark No.