Novell Vibe users fall into three basic groups:
Content consumers use Novell Vibe to work with important information that pertains to them. Content consumers:
Maintain their personal workspaces, including setting up a personal Blog, Calendar, Files, Guestbook, Photo Album, and Tasks folder
Participate in team workspaces set up for content providers, in order to better collaborate with colleagues and facilitate their work assignments
Search the Vibe site for people, places, and other information that pertains to their personal work assignments
Identify subject-matter experts to assist them in their personal work assignments
The typical tasks performed by content consumers are covered in the Novell Vibe OnPrem 3.1 User Guide.
In many cases, content consumers quickly become content providers.
Content providers use Novell Vibe to create and manage teams, customize the Vibe environment, and import data into the Vibe site for use by other Vibe users. Content providers:
Create and manage team workspaces and folders
Control user access to their team workspaces
Establish unique branding for workspaces and folders to clearly differentiate them from other places on the Vibe site
Create landing pages for workspaces that consolidate the most necessary workspace information into a single page
Customize data entry forms for gathering information from users
Create workflows to automate otherwise time-consuming manual processes
The typical tasks performed by content providers are covered in the Novell Vibe OnPrem 3.1 Advanced User Guide.
A Novell Vibe administrator is responsible for installing the Vibe software and setting up the Vibe site. This Novell Vibe OnPrem 3.1 Installation Guide provides instructions for Vibe software installation. After installation, the Vibe site administrator can:
Set up user access to the Vibe site
Create initial workspaces and populate them with information that is of interest to Vibe users
Control user access to workspaces and folders
Configure e-mail integration, so that Vibe users can receive notifications of updated information on the Vibe site and post to the Vibe site by using e-mail messages
Set up mirrored folders to make large sets of data that are already available on disk more easily available through the Vibe site
Set up software extensions (add-ons) that enhance the power and usefulness of the Vibe site
Set up remote applications that deliver data from a remote location, such as a remote database, for easy access on your Vibe site
Manage users, workspaces, and folders as the Vibe site grows and evolves
Perform regular backups to safeguard the data stored in the Vibe site
The typical tasks performed by Vibe site administrators are covered in the Novell Vibe OnPrem 3.1 Administration Guide.