Deploying System Updates

This panel displays the progress and results of deploying a system update.

When an update is in a baseline or applied state, it is automatically removed from this panel.

You can view the Deployment History panel on the Release Details page for information on deployed updates.

Deploying System Updates Panel Details

The following table explains the column information. For some columns, you can sort the listed information by clicking a column heading. Click it again to reverse the sorting order.

Column Heading


Update Name

Displays the name of the system update, which is created by Novell.

Click the name to access the Status by Device page. You can also click the underlined number in the Pending, Successful, or Failed columns to view the appropriate Status by Device page filtered to display devices with that status.

Start Schedule

Displays the current schedule, if any has been set. Use the Reschedule Deployment action to reschedule the update.

Each device can have its own schedule.

Reboot Behavior

Displays the reboot behavior of devices after the update is deployed.

Some updates do not require a device to be rebooted after they have been deployed to a device. However, if a reboot is required to complete the update process, the deployment is not completed until the device is rebooted.

The following explains how each option works:

  • Prompt User to Reboot When Update Finishes Applying (Default): After the update has been applied, a request to reboot is immediately given. If the user initially rejects rebooting, the user is periodically requested to reboot the device, which continues until the device is rebooted.

  • Do Not Reboot Device: The device does not reboot; however, the user is periodically requested to reboot the device, which continues until the device is rebooted.

  • Force Device to Reboot: After the update has been applied, if a reboot is required by the update, the device is automatically rebooted without user intervention.


Indicates the deployment state. The possible entries are:

stage_name: The update is being deployed to the managed devices that are members of the current stage that is listed. All Devices Stage is displayed after the last stage has completed, which means any devices left in the Management Zone that were not part of a completed stage are then receiving the update. In other words, managed devices are not allowed to skip a system update.

Selected Devices Stage: The update is being deployed to selected managed devices without the use of stages.

All Devices Stage: The update is being deployed to all managed devices in the Management Zone without the use of stages.

If stages are being used, click a stage name to view the device status for each stage member.


Indicates the status of the update being deployed (for the current stage, if stages are being used). For information on the possible statuses, see System Update Statuses.

Click an item in the Status column to view a message explaining the current status.

When the status for an update reaches either the APPLIED or BASELINE status, the system update deployment item is no longer displayed in this panel, but is displayed in the Deployment History panel.


Displays the number of devices for which the update deployment process is pending. A device can be pending if it is a member of a stage when stages are not automatically started after another stage completes.

Click the number to view the Status by Device page, which displays the devices that have a pending deployment of the update.


Displays the number of devices for which the update deployment process has completed.

Click the number to view the Status by Device page, which displays the devices that successfully received the update.


Number of devices for which the update deployment process has failed.

Click the number to view the Status by Device page, which displays the devices that failed to receive the update.

For failed deployments, you have the option to continue by selecting to ignore the error, or you can redeploy the update if the error has been resolved.

Deploying System Updates Tasks

You can perform the following tasks for a system update deployment:



Additional Details

Start the Pending stage

  1. Select the check box for an update.

  2. Click Action > Start Pending Stage.

Starts the next stage. If all stages have run, the remaining devices in the Management Zone are automatically updated in All Devices Stage.

The Start Pending Stage option is only available if you used the Advance to Next Stage Manually and Notify When Complete option to stop each stage for manual input to continue, instead of having the stages complete automatically.

Rescheduling a deployment

For a staged or All Stages status, do the following:

  1. Select the check box for an update.

  2. Click Action > Reschedule Deployment to open the Redeployment Schedule dialog box.

  3. Either click OK to accept the default schedule of Now, or select Date Specific in the Schedule Type field and specify the new date, then click OK.

For all other statuses, do the following:

  1. Select the check box for an update.

  2. Click Action > Reschedule Deployment.

  3. In the Status by Device page, select the check box for a system update, then click Reschedule Deployment.

  4. On the Status by Device page, select one or more devices that are listed in the Device column.

  5. Click Reschedule Devices to open the Redeployment Schedule dialog box.

  6. Either click OK to accept the default schedule of Now, or select Date Specific in the Schedule Type field and specify the new date, then click OK.

You can do this only before a deployment starts.

Because all devices do not need to have the system update deployed at the same time, you can set individual deployment schedules for the devices.

Bypassing staging

  1. Select the check box for an update.

  2. Click Action > Bypass Stages and Apply to All Devices.

You can bypass the stages at any time and cause the update to be deploy immediately to all managed devices in the Management Zone.

Canceling a deployment

  1. Select the check box for an update.

  2. Click Action > Cancel Deployment.

    WARNING:If you cancel a deployment that is currently running (not just scheduled), all deployment actions performed up to that point cannot be reversed. There currently is no rollback option.

  3. Click OK to confirm canceling the deployment.

This option is mainly for canceling a deployment that has not yet started.

If you select to apply the update only through stages, when you cancel the update deployment the status in the Available System Updates panel is changed to Aborted.

However, for a system update, you can select to deploy to both individual devices, as well as through stages for the other devices. Therefore, the status in the Available System Updates panel is changed to:

  • Ready if you cancel only the staged deployment.

  • Aborted if you cancel both the staged deployment and the deployment for individually selected devices.

Clearing an error to retry a deployment

  1. Click Action > Clear Error and Continue.

Allows you to continue with the deployment after determining whether the error is a reason to stop it, or not serious enough that you can continue the deployment.

Link to details to come...

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