This section contains detailed explanations of the error messages you might encounter using System Reporting.
An error has occurred: Batch state is unknown
ZENworks 10Asset Management SP3; System Reporting.
In the ZENworks Reporting Server InfoView, you might encounter this error if you access the parent reporting folder after generating the reports.
After generating the reports, log out of the ZENworks Reporting Server and log in again to the ZENworks Reporting Server InfoView.
30270: An internal error occurred while calling the 'processDPCommands' API. (Error: WIS 30270) BOException caught:RESULT=80004005;WHAT=RefreshBatch failed
ZENworks 10 Asset Management SP3; System Reporting.
If you schedule a Predefined report or a Web Intelligence report published by using the report-deploy command, you might encounter this error.
Possible Cause:
The report-deploy command publishes *.wid files into the BusinessObjects File repository, opens the document, refreshes it, then saves it again. If it fails to refresh for reasons such as the database connectivity timing out, it leaves the document in a invalid state. The report is deployed to the ZENworks Reporting Server but fails when it is scheduled.
Do the following.
Open the report that you want to schedule in the ZENworks Reporting Server InfoView.
Click .
Save the report.
Schedule the report. For more information on how to schedule a report, see Section 3.0, Creating and Managing Reports.
There are no ZENworks Reporting Servers configured in the Management Zone
ZENworks 10 Asset Management SP3; System Reporting.
In a management zone, if the Primary Server is a a SLES 10 64-bit device, and ZENworks Reporting is installed on a Windows Secondary ZENworks Server, then you might encounter this error when you try to launch Reporting from the Secondary Server. The Reporting options might be disabled in the tab of ZENworks Control Center.
Possible Cause:
The ZENworks Asset Management post-installation tasks have not been successfully completed on the Secondary Server.
Launch Reporting from the SLES 10 Primary Server.
You do not have the rights to save in this folder or edit categories. If you require these rights, see your BusinessObjects administrator
ZENworks 10 Asset Management SP3; System Reporting.
You might encounter this error when you try to save a template to My InfoView in the ZENworks Reporting Server InfoView.
Possible Cause:
You do not have rights to save reports or data to the My Favorites folder.
Get Create/Delete Report rights for the Favorites folder from the Administrator.
Unable to reconnect to the CMS <server-name>:6400. The session has been logged off or has expired. (FWM 01002)
ZENworks 10 Configuration Management SP3; System Reporting.
You might encounter this error if the ZENworks Reporting Server InfoView session has expired, and you are trying to launch it again.
Do the following:
Delete the cookies from your browser.
Close all browser instances.
Log in to the ZENworks Control Center, and launch the ZENworks Reporting Server InfoView.
Cannot initialize Report Engine server. (Error: RWI 00226) (Error: INF)
ZENworks 10 Configuration Management SP3; System Reporting
Possible Cause:
This problem might occur if the Report Engine Server is not running, and you are trying to create or access the reports.
On Windows, do the following:
From the desktop menu, click > > > > to display the Central Configuration Manager window.
Click .
Wait 2 to 3 minutes for the services to restart.
Launch the ZENworks Reporting Server InfoView.
On Linux, do the following:
Stop the BusinessObjects Enterprise services by running the following command as a root user:
/etc/init.d/BobjEnterprise120 stop
Wait 2 to 3 minutes for all the services to stop.
Start the BusinessObjects Enterprise services by running the following command as a root user:
/etc/init.d/BobjEnterprise120 start
Wait 2 to 3 minutes for all the services to start.