34.1 Understanding Message Formats

Messages are logged in different formats depending on the output targets such as local log, e-mail notification, SNMP traps, and UDP notification.

All error messages log the component name on which the error is generated. To troubleshoot the error, refer to the component’s Reference Guide.

34.1.1 Local Log File Format

Messages are logged on the managed device and ZENworks Server in the following format:

[severity] [loggingTime] [userGUID] [componentName] [MessageID] [MessageString] [additionalInfo] [RelatedGUID].

For example, [DEBUG] [1/22/2007 12:09:15 PM] [] [ZMD] [] [refreshing QuickTaskRefresh(GeneralRefresh)] [] [].

34.1.2 E-Mail Format

An e-mail message consists of the message header and the message body:

Message Header

The subject field in the e-mail can be customized as required by using keyword substitution macros:




Severity of the message.


Name of the component.


ID of the device at which the message is generated.


Time of the message generation.


Alias name of the device where the message is generated.

For example, if you want the subject line to display as “ERROR occurred on device Testifies at 4/1/07 5:31:01 PM”, then specify “%s occurred on device %a at %t” in the Subject field.

Message Body

The message body consists of the following fields:

  • Device Alias: Name of the device where the message is generated.

  • Device IP Address: IP Address of the device where the message is generated.

  • Error: [Date] Component name Message ID localized message string.

  • Additional Information: (Optional) Any additional information.

34.1.3 SNMP Message Format

The SNMP messages consists of the following two parts:

SNMP Message Header

The following fields are contained in the header:

Version Number: Specifies the version of SNMP used. ZENworks 10 Asset Management uses SNMPv1.

Community String: Defines an access environment for a group of network-management systems (NMS).

Protocol Data Unit (PDU)

The following fields are contained in the PDU:

Enterprise: Identifies the type of managed object generating the trap. ZENworks 10 Asset Management uses

Agent Address: Provides the IP address of the machine where the trap was generated.

GenerIc Trap Type: Contains the integer value 6. Type 6 is an enterprise-specific trap type, which has no standard interpretation in SNMP. The interpretation of the trap depends upon the value in the specific trap type field, which is defined by the Message Logger MIB.

Specific Trap Code: For enterprise-specific traps generated by ZENworks 10 Asset Management, the values in the specific trap type fields are as follows:

  • For a severity level of MessageLogger.ERROR, the specific trap is 1.

  • For a severity level of MessageLogger.WARN, the specific trap is 2.

  • For a severity level of MessageLogger.INFO, the specific trap is 3.

Time Stamp: The time stamp indicating when the trap occurred.

Variable Bindings: Provides additional information pertaining to the trap. This field consists of the following name/value pairs:

  • For trap ID, the value is the device GUID.

  • For trap ID, the value is the device name.

  • For trap ID, the value is the component name.

  • For trap ID, the value is the time when the message was logged.

  • For trap ID, the value is the message ID.

  • For trap ID, the value is the probable cause.

34.1.4 UDP Payload Format

The payload is a byte array with null-terminated delimiters such as \0 or 0 x 00 (hexadecimal) for each element. Each element’s data is presented as UTF-8 encoded strings and is explained below:

  • The first element is the ZENworks version information. For example, 10.

  • The second element is the value of severity of the message. The severity values are 4 for Informational, 6 for Warning, and 8 for Debug messages.

  • The third element is the message date. The date is not locally specific and is represented as a UTF-8 string. For example, 09-Mar-2008 14:15:44.

  • The fourth element is the user ID.

  • The fifth element is the component name.

  • The sixth element is the non-localized message ID.

  • The seventh element is the localized message string.

  • The eighth element is the additional information.

  • The ninth element is the probable cause URL.

  • The tenth element is the related GUID objects separated by commas.

NOTE:If the element does not have any data, it is represented as \0\0.