This section contains detailed explanations of the error messages you might encounter when using ZENworks 10 Configuration Management Preboot Services and Imaging.
The Imaging agent is currently not installed to run during boot process of this computer
ZENworks 10 Configuration Management; Preboot Services and Imaging.
On Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, or Windows 7, the zisdservice runs during the device boot instead of ziswin. Consequently, the following message is displayed in the ziswin window:
The Imaging agent is currently not installed to run during boot process of this computer.
However, you can still successfully take and restore images through ZENworks Control Center.
Ignore the message.
No boot file found in the partition
ZENworks 10 Configuration Management; Preboot Services and Imaging.
The error message is displayed while restoring a WIM image that was taken by using ImageX without specifying any /BOOT option.
Possible Cause:
The WIM bundle does not contain the boot partition information.
In the error message dialog box, click to restore the image.
Windows Automatic Installation Kit is not found on this system
ZENworks 10 Configuration Management; Preboot Services and Imaging
This error message is displayed when you click the
for uploading WinPE Base Distribution in ZENworks Control Center ( tab > > > > ).
Possible Cause:
Microsoft Windows Automated Installation Kit 1.0/1.1/3.0 (WAIK) is not installed on the device running the ZENworks Control Center.
Possible Cause:
The error message is incorrectly displayed if ZENworks Control Center is launched on a 64-bit device that has WAIK 1.0/1.1/3.0 installed.
Do the following:
Append the WAIK_installation_path\Windows AIK\Tools\x86 to the Path Windows system environment variable.
Restart the Web browser to launch ZENworks Control Center.
Ghost reported back an error
ZENworks 10 Configuration Management; Preboot Services and Imaging; ZENworks Third-Party Imaging.
An error message is displayed if Ghost imaging fails when it is performed through the ZENworks Third-Party Imaging utility.
For detail information about the issue, refer to \windows\system32\ghosterr.txt and take the appropriate action.
Unable to connect to Preboot Server. The Product license might have expired
ZENworks 10 Configuration Management; Preboot Services and Imaging.
The error message is displayed while using PXE boot to perform imaging operations.
Possible Cause:
The bootp parameters, which are not compatible with ZENworks imaging, are used to provide the boot filename and the TFTP server’s IP address.
While using PXE boot to perform imaging operations, use the novell-proxydhcp service.