F.0 Troubleshooting
The following sections explains the scenarios that you might encounter while using the Bundles component of Novell ZENworks 10 Configuration Management.
Unable to locate the active text box in the user interface of ZENWorks Control Center
ZENworks 10 Configuration Management; Software Distribution.
If you use Firefox 2.0 to open ZENworks Control Center, the cursor might fail to appear in the active text box.
Use Internet Explorer.
Uploading content from a text file to a Directive bundle corrupts the content
ZENworks 10 Configuration Management; Software Distribution.
If you use the Edit Text File action to upload a text file containing extended characters, the content is corrupted.
Open the text file, save it as UTF-8, then upload the file.
While launching applications, the window prompting for user input might not be displayed
ZENworks 10 Configuration Management; Software Distribution.
If you use bundles to launch applications that require user input, the window prompting for the input might be hidden behind the application. This problem might occur if the applications are launched for the first time for each user login.
If you want to immediately view the window, minimize the application. To fix the problem, restart the system.
Unable to select a large number of files to upload to the content server while performing the Install Directory or Install Files action with the Firefox browser
ZENworks 10 Configuration Management; Software Distribution.
You cannot select a large number of files to upload to the content server while performing the Install Directory or Install Files action with the Firefox browser.
Upload a smaller number of files with the Firefox browser, or use the Internet Explorer browser to perform the action.
Unable to execute the Install MSI action on a Windows 2000 device
ZENworks 10 Configuration Management; Software Distribution.
If is selected in the Install MSI dialog box to provide administrator privileges to the logged in user, the user is prompted to provide the log in credentials when the Install MSI action is executed on the device. The action fails to execute even if the user has provided the correct password.
Add the user as a part of the operating system as follows:
Run MMC.
Click > , click
In the Add Standalone Snap-in dialog box, select , click > .
Click to close the Add Standalone Snap-in dialog box.
Click .
In the Console Root window, double-click > > > > >
Click .
In , specify the user name. Click .
Click .
Directive bundles might be shown as effective even though bundles cannot be assigned to Linux devices
ZENworks 10 Configuration Management; Software Distribution.
Because Linux devices cannot have the ZENworks Adaptive Agent, you cannot assign bundles to be sent to them. However, in ZENworks Control Center, Directive bundles assigned to a Linux device might show as effective, which is incorrect.
Cannot back up the registry and edit the HKEY_CURRENT_USER by using a single registry action on a Windows Vista device
ZENworks 10 Configuration Management; Software Distribution.
If you set up an action to both back up the registry and edit the HKEY_CURRENT_USER registry entry on Windows Vista, the action fails because all user-initiated processes in Vista run as the lowest privileged user.
Use two different registry actions, one to back up the registry in the system context, and another to edit HKEY_CURRENT_USER in the user context.
The Undo Install Actions fails to uninstall a directory
ZENworks 10 Configuration Management; Software Distribution.
When you create an Install Directory File bundle, the directory is installed even if its name contains spaces; however, it cannot currently be uninstalled by using the Undo Install Actions action.
Avoid spaces in directory names if you want to enable the uninstallation of that directory.
Unable to launch a RDP session from a 64-bit device
ZENworks 10 Configuration Management; Software Distribution.
If you launch a Launch Windows Thin Client Application action configured with the RDP Session on a 64-bit managed device, the action might fail.
Apply the KB925876 patch (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/925876).
Unable to select an icon with the 64-bit Internet Explorer
ZENworks 10 Configuration Management; Software Distribution.
If you use the 64-bit Internet Explorer to launch ZENworks Control Center, then click the browse icon to browse to and select an icon from the icon resources such as an .exe, .dll, or .ico file, one of the icons from the resource file is selected by default. You cannot select any other icon.
Use the 32-bit Internet Explorer to launch ZENworks Control Center.
If the Wake-on-LAN schedule on the managed device is behind the server’s time zone, the device fails to wake up
ZENworks 10
Configuration Management; Software Distribution.
If a bundle having the distribution schedule configured is assigned to a managed device such that the Wake-on-LAN schedule is behind the server’s time zone, the device fails to wake up.
Ensure that the Wake-on-LAN schedule on the managed device is not behind the server’s time zone.
Bundle shortcut icon is not visible in the Quick Launch area of a Windows 7 device taskbar
ZENworks 10 Configuration Management; Software Distribution.
If you assign a bundle to a Windows 7 managed device and choose to place the bundle shortcut icon in the Quick Launch area of the device, the bundle shortcut icon is not visible because Quick Launch is disabled by default on a Windows 7 device.
To enable Quick Launch on a Windows 7 device taskbar:
Right-click the taskbar and click .
Click to open the New Toolbar window.
In the option, specify the following: %UserProfile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch.
Click .
To customize Quick Launch on a Windows 7 device taskbar:
Right-click the taskbar and deselect .
(Optional) Click and drag the Quick Launch to the desired position on the taskbar.
Right-click Quick Launch and deselect and to disable title or text display.
Right-click Quick Launch. Click > to enable small icons.
Repairing an MSI that is installed on a device might reboot the device even if the norestart parameter is specified
ZENworks 10 Configuration Management; Software Distribution.
If you run the Install MSI action to repair an MSI that has already been installed on a device, the device might reboot. This is because /f option that repairs a product can reboot the device. For more information, see Microsoft Support Site.
Perform the following steps to repair a package without a reboot:
In ZENworks Control Center, click the MSI Application Bundle you want to repair.
Click > .
Click the Install MSI action to display the Edit Action - Install MSI dialog box.
In the option, Click
to display the Repair Parameters dialog box.
In the option, specify /i instead of /f, then click .
In the MSI Properties panel, add the following properties:
Click .