ZENworks 10 Configuration Management allows you move the data from an OEM Sybase database (external Sybase database) to a Embedded OEM Sybase SQL Anywhere database (embedded Sybase database) that is installed on the ZENworks Server.
Before moving the data from an external Sybase database to an embedded Sybase database, do the following:
Make sure that ZENworks 10 Configuration Management is configured to an external OEM Sybase database. The database can be installed on a Windows or Linux device.
Install the Embedded OEM Sybase database on the ZENworks Server. For more information on how to install the database, see Installing an External ZENworks Database
in the ZENworks 10 Configuration Management Installation Guide.
During the installation of the embedded Sybase database, you must consider the following points while configuring the Sybase Access Configuration page:
The database name can be same as that of the external Sybase database or can be a unique name.
Make sure that the username and password are same as that of the external Sybase database.
Make sure that the database server name is unique.
Stop all the ZENworks Services on all the ZENworks Servers in the Management Zone.
On Windows: Do the following
Execute the following command at the server prompt:
novell-zenworks-configure -c Start
Specify the number next to the Stop action, then press Enter.
On Linux: Do the following:
Execute the following command at the server prompt:
/opt/novell/zenworks/bin/novell-zenworks-configure -c Start
Specify the number next to the Stop action, then press Enter.
On the ZENworks Server that has the embedded Sybase database installed, delete the contents of the database directory.
The database directory is located in ZENworks_installation_path on Windows and in the /opt/novell/zenworks/ directory on Linux.
On the device that has the external Sybase database installed, stop the Novell ZENworks Embedded Datastore service.
On Windows: Do the following:
From the Windows desktop
menu, click > .Double-click
> .Right-click the on the toolbar.
On Linux: At the console prompt, enter /etc/init.d/./sybase-asa stop.
From the device that has the external Sybase database installed, copy all files within the database directory to the appropriate directories on the ZENworks Server that has the embedded Sybase database.
The database directory is located in ZENworks_installation_path on Windows and in the /opt/novell/zenworks/ directory on Linux.
On the ZENworks Server that has the embedded Sybase database installed, open zenworks_database.conf and make sure that it contains the correct path of the database file.
On the ZENworks Server that has the embedded Sybase database installed, edit zdm.xml (located in ZENworks_installation_path\conf\datamodel on Windows and in /etc/opt/novell/zenworks/datamodel on Linux):
Add the following entry:
<entry key="Embedded">true</entry>
Set the value of the Server entry key to (the IP address of the ZENworks Server that has the embedded Sybase database installed).
Make sure that the value of the Port entry key is the port number on which the embedded Sybase database is running.
Set the value of the Engine entry key to the database server name specified during the installation of the embedded Sybase database.
(Optional) If you’ve specified a unique database name during the installation of the embedded Sybase database, set the value of the Database entry key to the unique database name.
Start all the ZENworks Services on all the ZENworks Servers in the Management Zone.
On Windows: Do the following
Execute the following command at the server prompt:
novell-zenworks-configure -c Start
Specify the number next to the Start action, then press Enter.
On Linux: Do the following:
Execute the following command at the server prompt:
/opt/novell/zenworks/bin/novell-zenworks-configure -c Start
Specify the number next to the Start action, then press Enter.
(Conditional) If you have installed ZENworks Reporting Server, continue with Section 34.4.3, Configuring ZENworks Reporting Server to Point from the External Sybase to the Embedded Sybase.
Do the following to point ZENworks Reporting Server to the new database:
Ensure that the data has been moved from one External Sybase to another External Sybase as explained in Section 34.4.2, Moving the Data from the External Sybase to the Embedded Sybase.
From the Windows desktop
menu, click > .Double-click
> .The ODBC Data Source Administrator dialog box is displayed.
> .In the ODBC Configuration for SQL Anywhere dialog box that is displayed, do the following:
Click the
tab, then specify the userID and password of the new database.Click the
tab, then do the following:In the
field, specify the server name of the new database.In the
field, specify the name of the new database.Click the
tab, then set the value of the field as follows:host=<IPaddress of the new database server:port>
Click the
tab, then click .Click
on the SQL Anywhere message that appears.A message is again displayed indicating that the connection to the new database is successful.
.At the console prompt, run the novell-zenworks-configure -c UpdateBOE command.
ZENworks Reporting Server now points to the new database.
Ensure that the data has been moved from one External Sybase to another External Sybase as explained in Section 34.4.2, Moving the Data from the External Sybase to the Embedded Sybase.
Edit the /opt/novell/zenworks/share/boe/bobje/odbc.ini file as follows:
Set the value of the ServerName variable to the server name of the new database.
Set the value of the DatabaseName variable to the name of the new database.
Set the value of the CommLinks variable to the IP address and port of the new database server.
Run the novell-zenworks-configure -c UpdateBOE command.
ZENworks Reporting Server now points to the new database.