If you do not have associations to workstations or workstation GUIDs to preserve from Novell eDirectory, and you want to set up your workstations as managed devices in the ZENworks Management Zone by using ZENworks Control Center to discover them and deploy the Adaptive Agent to them, then skip the migration of workstations.
If you migrate workstations to preserve associations to workstations or workstation GUIDs and if you previously created images of those workstations, re-image them after installing the Adaptive Agent to them. For more information, see Section 4.13, Make an Image of the Migrated Workstations.
To migrate workstations from eDirectory to Configuration Management:
To overwrite existing Workstation objects in the ZENworks database, click (the Migration Tool Settings icon), select the option, select the option, then click to exit the dialog box.
WARNING:This overwrites any existing Workstation objects in the database, including those that were previously migrated.
option allows you to dramatically improve performance on large migrations by not storing the local history.There are currently no global migration options specific to workstations.
in the field.To model the migration, do the following:
In the .
The eDirectory information that is displayed is filtered according to the type of information that you are migrating. Therefore, you only need to browse through the contexts and objects that can be migrated for the selected type.
If necessary, right-click anywhere in the
panel to create a folder for the objects to be queued for migration, then select .You can create as many folders as needed, including nesting them. This structure is created in the ZENworks database and is viewable as folders in ZENworks Control Center; however, the folders are not created until you click the
button.You might want to determine the folder structure for your Workstation objects, and create and migrate those folders before queueing Workstation objects to them.
IMPORTANT:We recommend that you migrate existing eDirectory containers and all of their Workstation objects (including subcontainers). This allows you to maintain GUIDs for device associations.
eDirectory containers that you queue are converted into folders containing all of the Workstation objects that exist in eDirectory under those contexts. If you select a container in the
panel and drag it to the panel, all subcontainers and their Workstation objects are also placed in the panel in their respective folders.After queueing a container in the
panel, you can individually delete queued items that you don’t want to migrate by selecting the items, right-clicking them, then selecting . You are asked to confirm the deletion.In the
panel, select the Workstation objects or containers to be migrated and drag them into the panel.This queues the items for migration.
You can use the Ctrl and the arrow keys or Shift and the arrow keys to select multiple items.
As you drag items from one panel to the other, the items listed in the
panel are automatically sorted.If you drag an item multiple times, it is only queued once.
If you migrate incrementally, you should queue only the objects that you want to migrate at this time because all items that are queued in the
panel are migrated when you click the button.On the
tab, the number of items you are migrating (copied to the panel) is represented in parentheses on the tab’s label.The
field on the tab displays information related to the items selected for migration. For example, the ZENworks Migration Utility might adjust the object name in Configuration Management because of characters in the eDirectory name that cannot be used in Configuration Management, such as a colon (:), which is replaced with an underscore (_) character.Repeat Step 3 as necessary to locate and queue all of the Workstation objects that you want to migrate at this time.
IMPORTANT:Every Workstation object that you queue in the
panel is migrated when you click the button.Review your selections in the
panel.You can navigate the folders to view the Workstation objects that are queued for migration.
To delete items from the migration queue, select the items and click the icon.
You can use the Ctrl and the arrow keys or Shift and the arrow keys to select multiple items for deletion. This includes folders and their contents.
Items queued for migration have their icons and texts dimmed. If you select dimmed items for deletion, they are only deleted from the queue.
WARNING:If you select colored items (with teal or black text), they are deleted from the ZENworks database and are no longer available in ZENworks Control Center.
To migrate all of the dimmed items displayed in the
panel, including all dimmed items contained in subfolders, click the button.The following information applies to the Migration Utility during or after the migration process:
Focus is immediately moved to the
tab, where you can view the sequential progress of the migration.The
column displays a progress bar for each item being migrated. The overall progress bar is at the bottom of the screen.The
tab displays all of the items that were migrated. This list is updated dynamically as the items are migrated. You can click back and forth between the and tabs during the migration process. You can also right-click anywhere in the tab’s panel and select to refresh the view with items that might not yet be displayed, but are migrated.The
tab displays all of the migrated objects, with their texts in teal color after being migrated, in both the and panels.The teal color persists, so the next time you open the Migration Utility and navigate the
contexts and folders, you can see what you have previously migrated.Objects that failed migration continue to be displayed with their icons dimmed.
Instructions for handling failed migration items are covered in Step 8.
During migration, a temporary working folder is created on the workstation for each workstation being migrated. These folders are deleted as each workstation is successfully migrated.
IMPORTANT:The migrated workstations do not immediately display in the Section 4.12, Setting Up Migrated Workstations to be Managed.
section on the tab in ZENworks Control Center. They are listed in the Deployable Devices panel in ZENworks Control Center and must have the adaptive agent deployed to them in order to be displayed on the tab. For more information on deploying the adaptive agent to the migrated workstations, seeAfter the migration has completed, do the following as needed:
Review the teal-colored items in both of the
panels to determine whether you need to queue any other items for migration or delete any previously migrated items from the panel.You can also use the
tab to discover this information.If you discover other items to migrate, repeat Step 3 through Step 7.
To delete any items listed in the .
WARNING:The ) can be used on both. Therefore, it is possible to delete previously existing items from Configuration Management that were never migrated. This includes folders in ZENworks Control Center and all data contained under them.
On the
tab, click the button for each item that failed to migrate, and determine the best course of action. You can either fix the problem and migrate the item, or you can delete it from the tab, which also deletes it from the queue in the panel.To view only those items that failed, right-click anywhere in the panel and select
to filter the listed items. This listing is maintained only for the current task.If you have failed items that you do not want to migrate, you can delete only those that are queued (still dimmed) from the queue in the
panel. Right-click anywhere on the tab and select .This empties the
tab listing. It also deletes only the queued items not yet migrated from the panel listing.WARNING:If you select
in the panel instead, this deletes all listed items from both the panel and the tab, as well as from the ZENworks database, effectively removing them from ZENworks Control Center. To delete only the queued (not yet migrated) items by using , it is safest to do so from the tab.When you are satisfied with the migration results, continue with one of the following:
To migrate other workstations, continue with Step 3.
To migrate associations, click Step 6: Associations in the field.
If you have completed all eDirectory object and association migrations, clean up your traditional ZENworks installation by continuing with Section 4.14, Managing Your Traditional ZENworks Installation.