Setting Up Log File Reporting

You can have Application Launcher/Explorer record events to a log file. This can be an individual log file located on the user's workstation or a common log file on a network server. When using a common log file, users must be given Read and Write rights to the log file, but Application Launcher/Explorer will automatically authenticate them to the log file location.

To set up log file reporting, you need to complete the following tasks:

Setting Up a Common Log File Location

With log file reporting, you have two options. You can have Application Launcher/Explorer log events for each individual user to a file on the user's local drive, or you can have Application Launcher/Explorer log events for all users to a file in a common network location.

If you want Application Launcher/Application Explorer to log events to a file in a common network location, you need to establish the network directory and provide users with Read and Write rights to files in the directory.

Because log file names are established on a per-application basis, you can have individual log files for each application (by specifying a different log file name for each Application object) or one log file for all applications (by specifying the same log file name for all Application objects). You cannot have log files on a per-user basis, unless you have Application Explorer/Launcher save the files to the users' local drives.

Configuring Application Objects to Use Log File Reporting

After you've set up a common log file location (if you plan to use a common log file), you can start configuring Application objects to use log file reporting. Because event reporting is configured on a per-application basis, you can choose which applications you want to collect event reports for and which ones you don't.

For detailed instructions about configuring an application to use log file reporting, database reporting, or SNMP trap reporting, see Configuring Applications to Use Reporting .