This section explains how to configure Workstation Inventory after installing cluster services in the following scenarios:
After installing ZfD 3.2, follow these steps to configure Inventory:
During the ZfD installation, some files are copied to the SYS:PUBLIC directory of the server where ZfD is installed. These ZfD files must reside on the cluster volume for ZfD to function properly with NCS. To avoid problems after the installation, copy the entire SYS:PUBLIC directory to the cluster volume.
Configure the Inventory database object. If you have selected Sybase* during ZfD installation, the installation program creates the Database object (ZfDInventoryDatabase) and configures the properties of this object. Skip to Step 3. If you are using Oracle*, continue with step 2a.
If you are maintaining the Inventory database in Oracle, ensure that you have created the Database object and configured the properties. For more information, see Configure the Policies for the Database in Workstation Inventory in Getting Started.
To configure the Database object for a cluster environment: In ConsoleOne®, right-click the Database object > click Properties > click ZENworks Database > browse for the DN (NCP server object) of the virtual server or specify the IP address of the virtual server > click OK.
On the cluster node, edit the Sybase startup file (SYS:\SYSTEM\MGMTDBS.NCF file) to modify the IP address specified in this file. You should specify the IP address of the virtual server. This specifies the database on the cluster volume.
load SYS:\zenworks\Database\dbsrv7 -gn 50 -c 32M -tl 300 -ti 0 -m -n ipaddress_of_the_server -x tcpip Clustervol:\Zenworks\Database\mgmtdb.db SYS:\Zenworks\Database\nal.db
Copy the MGMTDBS.NCF file from the SYS:\SYSTEM directory to other cluster nodes that have Inventory installed.
To configure the Inventory server:
Edit the AUTOEXEC.NCF file on all cluster nodes that have Inventory installed.
The Workstation Inventory installation adds entries to the server's AUTOEXEC.NCF file that load certain ZENworks services. You must comment the following lines in the file:
search add sys:\java\njclv2\bin
Ensure that you comment all occurrences of these lines.
In the volume load script of the virtual server, append these entries:
search add sys:\java\njclv2\bin
On the cluster nodes that have Inventory installed, add the following line before the STARTINV.NCF entry in the ZFDSTART.NCF file:
Ensure that you make this change on all cluster nodes.
In the volume unload script of the virtual server, add the following entry as the first entry in the file:
On all the cluster nodes, edit the ZFDSTOP.NCF file.
Ensure that the entries in this file follow this exact sequence:
Java -killzenWSImp
Java -killzenWSRem
Java -killzenWSInv
delay time_in_seconds
Unload imgserv <<y
Unload dbsrv7.nlm <<y
where time_in_seconds is the delay time in seconds. We recommend that you set time_in_seconds to 8 seconds.
Comment out the following entries in the ZFDSTOP.NCF file:
ZENworks for Desktops 3.0 Settings
--Remove Inventory services and the Inventory database.
StopSer *
ZENworks for Desktops 3.0 DB Settings
On all cluster nodes, configure the Inventory Server Property file.
You must modify the inventory server's property file if you have defined the role of the cluster node as one of the following:
Make the necessary modifications on all cluster nodes.
The Standalone Server does not require modifications in the properties file.
The server property file is located in the \PUBLIC\ZENWORKS\WMINV\PROPERTIES directory.
To edit the server property file on the cluster node, modify the Arguments entry in the [Receiver Service] section: Arguments=Cluster
Launch scanners from the cluster volume.
Ensure that you have copied the files from \SYS:\PUBLIC\ZENWORKS to the cluster volume as instructed in Step 1.
The Inventory installation assigns the [Root] as a Trustee of the SYS:\PUBLIC\ZENWORKS directory with Read and File Scan rights. Ensure that this directory on the cluster volume has the Read and File Scan rights permissions.
Configure the Inventory settings.
Before following any of these tasks, ensure that you specify any one Inventory Service object for configuring inventory. When you configure the selected Inventory Service object, these settings will apply to other nodes.
You must also modify the \PUBLIC\ZENWORKS\WMINV
\PROPERTIES\CONFIG.PROPERTIES file of all cluster nodes in the inventory setup to specify the DN of the Inventory Service object of the virtual server that has been configured for inventory.
Configure the Inventory Policy settings for the virtual server:
Ensure that you have configured the Inventory settings. This is required before you configure the Inventory Policy settings for the virtual server.
NOTE: You must configure the Inventory policy settings only for the virtual server. The Inventory policy should not be configured for other cluster nodes.
From ConsoleOne, click Tools > click Configure Inventory for Cluster.
Fill in the following details:
Virtual Server DN: Specify the DN of the virtual server.
Location of Inventory Scanner: Specify the directory location of the scanner executables (WINSCAN.EXE and NTSCAN32.EXE) on the cluster volume. On an inventory server, these files exist in the SYS:\PUBLIC\ZENWORKS directory. Specify the directory location on the virtual server.
Scan Directory Path: Specify the directory for storing the scan data files (.STR) on the virtual server.
The SCANDIR directory is created in the specified location on the cluster volume.
Click OK.
IMPORTANT: If you want to make any modifications to the Scan Directory path, you must use the Configure Inventory for Cluster window. Do not modify the Scan Directory path from the Inventory Service object property page.
After upgrading from ZfD 3.2 to ZfD 3.2 SP1, follow these steps to configure Workstation Inventory:
To configure ZfD 3.2 SP1 Workstation Inventory in a clustered environment that has ZfD 3.2 Workstation Inventory installed and configured:
During the ZfD installation, some files are copied to the SYS:PUBLIC directory of the server where ZfD is installed. These ZfD files must reside on the cluster volume for ZfD to function properly with NCS. To avoid problems after the installation, copy the entire SYS:PUBLIC directory to the cluster volume.
Edit the AUTOEXEC.NCF file on all cluster nodes that have Inventory installed.
The Workstation Inventory installation adds entries to the server's AUTOEXEC.NCF file that load certain ZENworks services. You must comment the following lines in the file:
search add sys:\java\njclv2\bin
Ensure that you comment all occurrences of these lines.
On all the cluster nodes, edit the ZFDSTOP.NCF file to do the following:
Comment out the following entry:
Unload dbsrv7.nlm <<y
Ensure that the entries in this file follow this exact sequence:
Java -killzenWSImp
Java -killzenWSRem
Java -killzenWSInv
delay time_in_seconds
Unload imgserv <<y
;Unload dbsrv7.nlm <<y
where time_in_seconds is the delay time in seconds. We recommend that you set time_in_seconds to 8 seconds.
Launch scanners from the cluster volume.
Ensure that you have copied the files from \SYS:\PUBLIC\ZENWORKS to the cluster volume as instructed in Step 1.
The Inventory installation assigns the [Root] as a Trustee of the SYS:\PUBLIC\ZENWORKS directory with Read and File Scan rights. Ensure that this directory on the cluster volume has the Read and File Scan rights permissions.