File Transfer Error Messages
- Unable to locate the managed workstation with the given IP address
- The connection to the FTP server could not be established. The FTP server is busy
- Network error in connecting to the FTP server
- The FTP server is down or the connection to the FTP server is closed
- This file on the managed station is in use
- This directory on the managed station is in use
- Permission is denied to perform this file operation on the managed station
- Permission is denied to perform this file operation on the Console
- The specified directory could not be created as the directory exists or the name is invalid
- You do not have sufficient rights to change to this directory, or the directory does not exist
- The directory does not exist on the Console
- Network error in opening connection with FTP server for getting list of files on the managed station
- Data transfer was aborted during the process of getting the list of files on the managed station
- A file system error occurred during the process of getting the list of files on the managed station
- Security violation has occurred during the process of getting the list of files on the Console
- Error occurred during the process of getting the list of files on the Console
- The directory listing received from the FTP server cannot be recognized
- The file <filename > to be sent was not found
- There is an error in reading the file to be transferred on to the managed station
- There is an error in creating the file on the Console
- There is an error in writing to the file on the Console
- Error in closing the file on the Console
- This filename is not acceptable on the managed station
- The managed station does not have sufficient storage space
- A file system error occurred during the process of transferring the files
- Data transfer was aborted during the process of transferring the files
- The file is not renamed. It does not exist or access is denied
- The specified filename is not accepted by the FTP server
- The file cannot be deleted. It does not exist or access is denied
- The directory is not deleted. It does not exist or access is denied
- The FTP server is unable to process the command for finding the current directory on the managed station
- Could not find current directory on remote machine: permission denied
- The File Transfer Program is unable to recognize the information about the managed station received from the FTP server
- A Security violation occurred when checking if the file exists.
- There is an error during the process of closing the File Transfer Program