Setting Up the Automatic Workstation Import Debug Screen

Enabling the debug screens for Automatic Workstation Import greatly assists in troubleshooting because you can see errors as they occur instead of referring to the Import server's log files.

  1. On your Windows 2000 Server, click the Start menu > Run.

  2. In the Open field, type notepad D:\Novell\zenworks\AutoWS\zenwsimp.reg > click OK.

  3. In the zenwsimp.reg Notepad window, locate the zenwsimportCmdLine line. At the end of the line, add -Dloglevel=3 after the text -Dlogfilelevel=2 as shown in the illustration below. Save the file as zenwsimphigh.reg and close Notepad.

    Do not save the file with a .TXT extension.

    Screen shot of the zenwsimphigh.reg file in Notepad.

  4. Click the Start menu > Run.

  5. In the Open field, type c:\Novell\zenworks\AutoWS\zenwsimphigh.reg > click OK.

  6. At the Registry Editor window, click Yes to merge the file with your registry.

  7. At the Registry Editor informational window, click OK.

    The new registry setting will cause verbose logging of AWI information to the AWI screen.

    Next, you need to enable the AWI service screen to display.

  8. On your Windows 2000 Server, click the Start menu > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.

  9. At the bottom of Services window, double-click the ZENworks Workstation Import service.

    Screen shot of Services dialog box with the ZENworks Import Service option selected.

  10. In the ZENworks Workstation Import Properties (Local Computer) window, enable Allow Service to Interact with Desktop > click OK.

    Screen shot of ot ZENworks Workstation Import Properties (Local Computer) dialog box. The Log On page is displayed with the Allow Service to Interact With Desktop option selected.

  11. In the Services window, select the ZENworks Workstation Import service > click the Actions menu > click Restart Service.

    The Workstation Import Service window will appear so you can track workstation import events as they happen

    Screen shot of the Workstation Import Service window.

  12. Close the Services window.