Combining a Workstation Base Image and an Add-On Image

Use the following steps to combine a workstation base image and an add-on image:

  1. On your ZENworks for Desktops Windows 2000 Server, start ConsoleOne.

  2. In ConsoleOne, browse to the .Images.IST.Corp.DA container.

  3. Right-click the .Images.IST.Corp.DA container > click New > Object > Workstation Image > OK.

    Screen shot of the New Object dialog box in ConsoleOne. The Workstation Image object is selected.

  4. In the Name field of the New Workstation Image dialog box, type W2KproConsoleOne > select the Define Additional Properties check box > click OK.

    Screen shot of the New Workstation Image dialog box. W2kproConsoleOne is typed in the Name field and the Define Additional Properties checkbox is checked.

  5. In the Properties of W2KproConsoleOne window, click the browse button at the far right of the Base Image File field.

  6. In the Server field of the Image File Location dialog box, browse to find your server (.DA-02.Servers.IST.Corp.DA) > type D:\Images\w2kpro.zmg in the Path field > click OK.

    Screen shot of the Image File Location dialog box. The DA-02.Servers.IST.Corp.DA server name is in the Server field and the path to the server has been typed in the Path field: D:\images\w2kpro.zmg.

  7. In the Properties of W2KproConsoleOne page, click Add.

  8. In the Server field of the Image File Location dialog box, browse to and select the DA-02 server > in the Path field, type D:\images\ConsoleOne.zmg > click OK.

    Screen shot of the Image File Location dialog box. The server name and path are displayed.

    This image object now combines a base image and an add-on image for use in a single imaging session.

  9. Click OK to close the Properties of W2KproConsoleOne window.

    Screen shot of the Properties page of the W2KproConsoleOne Workstation Image object.