To share the content repository on a Satellite Server, you must follow the procedures in Sharing the content-repo Directory on the Primary Server.
In addition, if the Satellite Server is a promoted Satellite Server, you must configure the settings for allowing the user to access the content-repo directory anonymously.
For Windows:
Open the Registry Editor.
Go to HKLM/Software/Novell/ZCM.
In the right pane, right-click New, then click String Value.
Rename the string value as AllowAnonymousAccessToContentRepo.
Double-click AllowAnonymousAccessToContentRepo.
The Edit String dialog box is displayed.
In the Value data field, specify the value of the string as True, then Click OK.
For Linux:
In the /etc/opt/novell/zenworks/conf/ file, set the value of the AllowAnonymousAccessToContentRepo string as True.
For managed devices to download the content repository by using the SMB file sharing protocol, you need to configure the SMB protocol in ZENworks. To configure the SMB protocol, a new registry key PreferredSMBProtocol has been introduced which needs to be first configured on every device.
For Windows:
Create the following string value in the registry on the managed device:
Specify the value name as PreferredContentRepo. Set the value of the string as \\<ip address>\\content-repo\.
For example, PreferredContentRepo = \\\content-repo\.
For Linux:
In the /etc/opt/novell/zenworks/conf/ file on the managed device, set the value of the PreferredContentRepo string as smb://<ip address>>/<content-repo>/.
Using the PreferredSMBProtocol registry key, you can choose the preferred SMB protocol. The valid values are SMBv1 and SMBv2. Support for SMBv1 has been disabled on Windows 10 Satellites with the Fall Creators Update version 1709 and higher, and SMBv2 is used by default. However, if you want to use SMBv1, then you need to enable the protocol on the Windows device and then perform the following:
On Windows managed device: Create the PreferredSMBProtocol registry key, and set the value of the string as SMBv1.
On Linux managed device: In the /etc/opt/novell/zenworks/conf/ file, add PreferredSMBProtocol key and set the value of the string as SMBv1.
To ensure that content is downloaded from the preferred content repo, you must create a null session share. Perform the steps according to your device:
From the Start menu, Run the program regedt32.
In the Registry Editor window, search the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE on Local Machine window.
Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services/lanmanserver/parameters.
Open the multi string value NullSessionShares and add the share name from the selected folder. Enter the value on a new line in the registry value.
Close the Registry Editor window.
Under Administrative Tools, select Services.
Right-click the Server service and select Restart to restart the service.
If the system where you are creating the null session share is running Windows 2003 Server, you must enable the Group Policy "Network access: Let Everyone permissions apply to anonymous users". You must perform the steps mentioned in Setting up a null session share on an NT-based device, then perform the following steps:
Click the Start menu.
Click Run.
Specify gpedit.msc.
Go to the following location: Local Computer Policy\Computer Configuration\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Local Policies\Security Options.
Double-click Network access: Let Everyone permissions apply to anonymous users.
Select Enable and press Enter.
If the system where you are creating the null session share is running Windows 2008 Server, you must enable the Group Policy "Network access: Shares that can be accessed anonymously". You must perform the steps mentioned in Setting up a null session share on an NT-based device, and Setting up a null session share on a Windows 2003 Server, then perform the following steps:
Click the Start menu.
Click Run.
Specify gpedit.msc.
Go to the following location: Local Computer Policy\Computer Configuration\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Local Policies\Security Options.
Double-click Network access: Shares that can be accessed anonymously.
Select Enable and press Enter.
To test your setup, use the net use command to connect to your resource using an anonymous login and null password. From a command prompt, execute the following:
net use \\servername\sharename "" /user:""
(Where \\servername\sharename is replaced by the UNC of the null share.)If you already have a connection to the server, you must clear the connection to the server prior to executing the above command, or it will instead attempt to map the device using the previously successful connection parameters.
The response The command completed successfully indicates that the device mapped successfully, while errors such as System error 5 has occurred. Access is denied indicates a failure and you must verify your setup.If you have successfully mapped the device, then copy files to or from the resource \\servername\sharename to ensure that you have the required access.