The following sections provide solutions to the problems you might encounter while using the SSL Management feature.
After a server remint the security policy data could not be decrypted at the agent side
The lost device does not sync with new CA certificate when device is re-enrolled
Certificate update fails on ZENworks 11 SP2 and earlier versions of the agent
A Windows agent is not able to launch the CertificateActivator executable
Managed device that was re-imaged during remint is not communicating with the Primary Server
The activator for a failed certificate activation will only be triggered after an agent refresh
The Certificate Remint Tool is not created on Primary Servers
After a Server Remint the managed device is not able to communicate with the server
The Agent Version is not getting displayed in the ZENworks Server SSL Certificates panel
Certificate activation fails when the required port is not available
Certificate activation fails on a Windows agent after running the Certificate Remint tool
Certificate activation fails on an internal CA zone post remint CA
After a server remint the security policy data could not be decrypted at the agent side
Security Settings Decryption Failed n StackTrace : at Novell.Zenworks.ZESMCoreSetttings.ZESMCoreSetttingsModule.ApplySecuritySettings(String encrSecuritySettings)
The lost device does not sync with new CA certificate when device is re-enrolled
Get the zone CA certificate from the 'Enrollment using Provisioning Package' page and install the certificate on the device manually.
Get the remint system update GUID from ZCC. Go to System Updates > Available System Updates. Click the update name 'ZENworks update for certificate remint' and get the Update GUID.
Use this update GUID to run the following query to set the system update status for the device so that device will renew the device certificate after device sync.
PostgreSQL: update zSystemUpdateDeviceInfo set mdmupdatestatus = 'PENDING_CERTIFICATE_ACTIVATION', mdmstatusmessagekey = 'PENDING_CERTIFICATE_ACTIVATION' where deviceuid in (select zuid from zdevice where hostname='DESKTOP-CTKGTIF') and updateuid=decode('<GUID>', 'hex')
Oracle: update zSystemUpdateDeviceInfo set mdmupdatestatus = 'PENDING_CERTIFICATE_ACTIVATION', mdmstatusmessagekey = 'PENDING_CERTIFICATE_ACTIVATION' where deviceuid in (select zuid from zdevice where hostname='DESKTOP-CTKGTIF') and updateuid=HEXTORAW('<GUID>')
MSSQL: update zSystemUpdateDeviceInfo set mdmupdatestatus = 'PENDING_CERTIFICATE_ACTIVATION', mdmstatusmessagekey = 'PENDING_CERTIFICATE_ACTIVATION' where deviceuid in (select zuid from zdevice where hostname='DESKTOP-CTKGTIF') and updateuid='<GUID>'
Device will now start syncing successfully and will renew the device certificate. This can be confirmed using the system update status in the Finished status.
Certificate update fails on ZENworks 11 SP2 and earlier versions of the agent
Unexpected error occurred during system update Type: System.ArgumentException Message: Requested value '(INFO) (10/01/2018 01:37:59.781) (1168) (ZENUpdater) () (SYSTEM) (SystemUpdate) (FINISHED) (FINISHED) () () () (ZENworks)' was not found. Stack Trace: at System.Enum.Parse(Type enumType, String value, Boolean ignoreCase) at Novell.Zenworks.SystemUpdate.UpdateStatusReader.parseStatusMessage(String statusString, UpdateStatus& status, StatusMessage& message, String& messageDetails) at Novell.Zenworks.SystemUpdate.UpdateStatusReader.readLastStatus(FileInfo updateStatusFile, String updateID, UpdateStatus& status, StatusMessage& message, String& details) at Novell.Zenworks.SystemUpdate.SystemUpdateModule.ApplyUpdate(AssignedSystemUpdatesResponseAssignedSystemUpdate update)
NOTE:Depending on the database, you can use any of the following query to list agents on which the system update has failed and then verify the system update logs on these devices for the exception mentioned above:
On Sybase select d.hostname, d.zuid, d.agentversion, s.updatestatus from zsystemupdatedeviceinfo s, zdevice d where s.updatestatus = 'ERROR' and s.updateuid = 0x<update_guid> and s.deviceuid = d.zuid
Where <update_guid> is the system update GUID.
Example: select d.hostname, d.zuid, d.agentversion, s.updatestatus from zsystemupdatedeviceinfo s, zdevice d where s.updatestatus = 'ERROR' and s.updateuid = 0x5017040000fc50000000002018111501 and s.deviceuid = d.zuid
On PostgreSQL select d.hostname, d.zuid, d.agentversion, s.updatestatus from zsystemupdatedeviceinfo s, zdevice d where s.updatestatus = 'ERROR' and s.updateuid = '\x<update_guid>' and s.deviceuid = d.zuid
Where <update_guid> is the system update GUID.
Example: select d.hostname, d.zuid, d.agentversion, s.updatestatus from zsystemupdatedeviceinfo s, zdevice d where s.updatestatus = 'ERROR' and s.updateuid = '\x5017040000fc50000000002018111501' and s.deviceuid = d.zuid
On Microsoft SQL select d.hostname, d.zuid, d.agentversion, s.updatestatus from zsystemupdatedeviceinfo s, zdevice d where s.updatestatus = 'ERROR' and s.updateuid = 0x<update_guid> and s.deviceuid = d.zuid
Where <update_guid> is the system update GUID.
Example: select d.hostname, d.zuid, d.agentversion, s.updatestatus from zsystemupdatedeviceinfo s, zdevice d where s.updatestatus = 'ERROR' and s.updateuid = 0x5017040000FC50000000002018111501 and s.deviceuid = d.zuid
On Oracle select d.hostname, d.zuid, d.agentversion, s.updatestatus from zsystemupdatedeviceinfo s, zdevice d where s.updatestatus = 'ERROR' and s.updateuid = '<update_guid>' and s.deviceuid = d.zuid
Where <update_guid> is the system update GUID.
Example: select d.hostname, d.zuid, d.agentversion, s.updatestatus from zsystemupdatedeviceinfo s, zdevice d where s.updatestatus = 'ERROR' and s.updateuid = '5017040000FC50000000002018111501' and s.deviceuid = d.zuid
A Windows agent is not able to launch the CertificateActivator executable
When the Certificate Remint Tool is downloaded, the update packages are treated as malicious software
Manually add System_drive:\windows\novell\zenworks to the exclusion list of the anti-virus software installed on the managed device.
Download the Certificate Remint Tool.
Managed device that was re-imaged during remint is not communicating with the Primary Server
The activator for a failed certificate activation will only be triggered after an agent refresh
The Certificate Remint Tool fails on a device when the Primary Server to which it is registered, has a certificate chain
The Certificate Remint Tool is not created on Primary Servers
During a CA Remint, the CRT will be available on the current CA server.
During a Change CA to Internal, the CRT will be available on the new CA server.
During a Change CA to external, the CRT will be available on the server on which the remint is initiated.
During a Server Remint, if the current CA is internal, the CRT will be available on the current CA server. If the current CA is external, it will be available on the server on which the remint is initiated.
After a Server Remint the managed device is not able to communicate with the server
To Unregister the device: zac unr
To register the device: zac reg https://<server_IP>:<port>
Certificate Remint Tool fails on the CA Server
On Windows: Launch ZENSERVER_home\install\downloads\system-update\certificate-update\ZENworks_Certificate_Update_Windows.exe with -p ZENSERVER_home\conf\security\ca.cert
On Linux: Launch /opt/microfocus/zenworks/install/downloads/system-update/certificate-update/ZENworks_Certificate_Update_Linux.bin with -p /etc/opt/microfocus/zenworks/security/ca.cert
The Agent Version is not getting displayed in the ZENworks Server SSL Certificates panel
After a remint, security policy versions are incremented
A server certificate has expired
If the internal server certificate of your Windows or Linux Primary Server has expired you can choose to replace the certificate with a new internal server certificate.
Before replacing an internal server certificate with a new internal server certificate, take a reliable backup of the following on all Primary Servers in the Management Zone:
Content-Repo Directory: The content-repo directory is located by default in the ZENworks_installation_directory\work directory on Windows and in the /var/opt/microfocus/zenworks/ on Linux.
Ensure that the images directory located within the content-repo directory has been successfully backed up.
Certificate Authority: For detailed information on how to back up the certificate authority, see Backing Up the Certificate Authority.
Embedded Database: For detailed information on how to back up the embedded database, see Backing Up and Restoring the ZENworks Server and Certificate Authority.
Enforce the new certificates on the zone by running the following command on any Primary Server whose certificate has expired:
microfocus-zenworks-configure -c SSL -Z
Follow the prompts. Do not remint the Certificate authority, just the server certificate.
NOTE:If both the Server Certificate and Certificate Authority (CA) have expired, then use the Remint CA option in the ZCC UI to remint the CA, which will remint the expired server certificate as well.
Restart all the ZENworks services on all the Primary Servers in the zone by running the following command at the console prompt of each Primary Server in the zone:
microfocus-zenworks-configure -c Start
By default, all the services are selected. You must select Restart as the Action.
Refresh all the devices, including the Primary Servers, in the zone.
If only one Primary Server certificate was changed, and if the CA certificate was not changed, and there is more than one Primary Server in the zone, refreshing the Server, Satellites, and managed devices will allow the agent to trust the new server certificate. Refreshes automatically on the next scheduled refresh.
If there is only one Primary Server in the zone then the Primary Servers, Satellites, and managed devices need to run zac retr to reestablish the trust.
If any device is not reachable during the refresh, you must first establish a connection with the device, then run the following command at the console prompt of each device to reestablish the trust between the device and the zone:
zac retr -u zone_administrator_username -p zone_administrator_password
Configure the Authentication Satellites with the new certificates by entering the following command at the Satellite's prompt:
On Windows: zac authentication server reconfigure (asr) -t all
On Linux: zac remint-satellite-cert (rsc)
Re-create all the default and custom deployment packages for all the Primary Servers:
Default Deployment Packages: At the console prompt of each Primary Server in the zone, enter the microfocus-zenworks-configure -c CreateExtractorPacks -Z command:
NOTE:The microfocus-zenworks-configure -c CreateExtractorPacks -Z command will not rebuild the Mac pre-agent installer package.
Custom Deployment Packages: At the console prompt of each Primary Server in the zone, enter the microfocus-zenworks-configure -c RebuildCustomPacks -Z command
If the external server certificate of your Primary Server has expired, you can choose to replace the certificate with a new external server certificate issued by your current zone CA.
Before replacing an external server certificate with a new external server certificate, take a reliable backup of the following on all Primary Servers in the Management Zone:
Content-Repo Directory: The content-repo directory is located by default in the ZENworks_installation_directory\work directory on Windows and in the /var/opt/microfocus/zenworks/on Linux.
Ensure that the images directory located within the content-repo directory has been successfully backed up.
Embedded Database: For detailed information on how to back up the embedded database, see ZENworks Database Management Reference.
Create a certificate signing request (CSR) by providing the hostname (FQDN) of the Primary Server as the subject. Using this CSR, get the new server certificate issued by the external CA.
For more information on how to create a CSR, see Creating an External Certificate
in the ZENworks Server Installation.
Delete the record of the server whose certificate is being renewed, from the zCertificate table in the database by using the query “delete from zCertificate where SubjectUID = <GUID of the Primary Server whose cert has to be renewed”.
At the console prompt of a Primary Server, run the following command with the force ( -f, --force) option.
zman sacert -f Path_of_the_Primary_Server_in_ZENworks_Control_Center Path_of_Primary_Server_Certificate
For more information about zman, view the zman man page (man zman) on the device or see zman(1)
in the ZENworks Command Line Utilities Reference.
This adds the certificate of the Primary Server that you specified in the command to the ZENworks database and certificate store.
NOTE:You must run the command for each server whose certificate you want to replace.
Refresh all the devices, including the Primary Servers, in the zone.
The Primary Server certificates that were imported in Step 4 are sent to the devices as configuration data.
Enforce the new certificates on the zone by running the following command on any Primary Server whose certificate has expired:
microfocus-zenworks-configure -c SSL -Z
Follow the prompts.
Restart all the ZENworks services on the current Primary Server in the zone by running the following command at the console prompt of the Primary Server:
microfocus-zenworks-configure -c Start
By default, all the services are selected. You must select Restart as the Action.
Refresh all the devices, including the Primary Servers, in the zone.
If any device is not reachable during the refresh, you should connect to the device, then run the following command at the console prompt of each device to reestablish the trust between the device and the zone:
zac retr -u zone_administrator_username -p zone_administrator_password
Configure the Satellites with the new external certificates by entering the following command at the Satellite's prompt:
zac iac -pk private-key.der -c signed-server_certificate.der -ca signing-authority-public-certificate.der -ks keystore.jks -ksp keystore-pass-phrase -a signed-cert-alias -ks signed-cert-passphrase -u username -p password -rc
Re-create all the default and custom deployment packages for all the Primary Servers:
Default Deployment Packages: At the console prompt of each Primary Server in the zone, enter the following command:
microfocus-zenworks-configure -c CreateExtractorPacks -Z
NOTE:The microfocus-zenworks-configure -c CreateExtractorPacks -Z command will not rebuild the Mac pre-agent installer package.
Custom Deployment Packages: At the console prompt of each Primary Server in the zone, enter the following command:
microfocus-zenworks-configure -c RebuildCustomPacks -Z
If the external server certificate of your Primary Server has expired, you can choose to replace the certificate with a new external server certificate issued by your current CA.
Enforce the new certificates on the zone by running the following command on the Primary Server whose certificate has expired:
microfocus-zenworks-configure -c SSL -Z
The Are you sure you want to proceed? prompt is displayed. Type 1 and press the Enter key.
The Is this the Primary server with CA Role in your ZENworks Zone? prompt is displayed. Type 1 even if the zone has an external CA and press the Enter key.
The Is this the first server in your ZENworks Zone? prompt is displayed. Type 1 even if this is not the first server in the zone and press the Enter key.
Specify the path of the signed certificate file, the private key, and (optional) signing CA’s root certificate.
Follow the prompts and let the configure action complete.
Restart all the ZENworks services on the current Primary Server in the zone by running the following command at the console prompt of the Primary Server:
microfocus-zenworks-configure -c Start
By default, all the services are selected. You must select Restart as the Action.
Refresh all the devices, including the Primary Servers, in the zone.
If any device is not reachable during the refresh, you should connect to the device, then run the following command at the console prompt of each device to reestablish the trust between the device and the zone:
zac retr -u zone_administrator_username -p zone_administrator_password
Configure the Satellites with the new external certificates by entering the following command at the Satellite's prompt:
zac iac -pk private-key.der -c signed-server_certificate.der -ca signing-authority-public-certificate.der -ks keystore.jks -ksp keystore-pass-phrase -a signed-cert-alias -ks signed-cert-passphrase -u username -p password -rc
Re-create all the default and custom deployment packages for all the Primary Servers:
Default Deployment Packages: At the console prompt of each Primary Server in the zone, enter the following command:
microfocus-zenworks-configure -c CreateExtractorPacks -Z
NOTE:The microfocus-zenworks-configure -c CreateExtractorPacks -Z command will not rebuild the Mac pre-agent installer package.
Custom Deployment Packages: At the console prompt of each Primary Server in the zone, enter the following command:
microfocus-zenworks-configure -c RebuildCustomPacks -Z
Certificate activation fails when the required port is not available
Reconfiguration of the Satellite Server fails after the server is promoted to the Authentication role
A Content Satellite Server is promoted to an Authentication or Collection role, over SSL.
A Content over non-SSL role Satellite Sever is promoted to the Authentication role.
A Content or Collection over non-SSL, Imaging or Join Proxy role Satellite Server is promoted to the Authentication role.
On Windows: zac isc (for more information on this command, see zac for Windows(1) in the ZENworks Command Line Utilities Reference.)
On Linux: zac isc (for more information on this command, see zac for Linux(1) in the ZENworks Command Line Utilities Reference.)
Certificate activation fails on a Windows agent after running the Certificate Remint tool
If this issue occurs, when the certificate has already been activated on the server, rerun the Certificate Remint tool on the agent.
Certificate activation fails on an internal CA zone post remint CA