Log in as a user with installation rights on the device.
Make sure you have downloaded the correct Inventory-Only module package (based on the architecture) to the target device. If you have not, see Downloading the Module from a ZENworks Server.
In the terminal go to the location of the downloaded Inventory-Only module package file.
Unpack the Inventory-Only module package by running the following commands:
gunzip and the package name
gunzip ZENworks_Inventory_Only_Agent_Linux_x86.tar.gz
tar -xopf and the package name
tar -xopf ZENworks_Inventory_Only_Agent_Linux_x86.tar
or run the following command:
tar -zxvf and the package name Example: tar -zxvf ZENworks_Inventory_Only_Agent_Linux_x86.tar.gz
The package will be extracted to a new directory with the same name.
In the terminal, browse to the location of the extracted package in Step 4 and install the Inventory-Only module by running the./install.sh command. The relevant Inventory-Only Agent (IOA) packages will be installed on the device.
The installation program requires no user interaction.
After the installation program completes its execution, register the Inventory-Only Agent (IOA) device to the server by running the following command:
zac ioa cfg <server_ip:port_number>
To run this command, either specify an authorization key for the secure registration of the device or ensure that the device is added in the list of pre-approved devices.
For example, if the device is pre-approved:
zac ioa cfg <server_ip:port_number>
For example, if you are using an authorization key:
zac ioa cfg <server_ip:port_number> --authkey <xyz>
While registering the device to the zone, you need to trust the root certificate. A prompt to trust the root certificate will be displayed during device registration. If you do not trust the certificate, then you will not be able to register the device.
You also have the option of auto accepting the certificate while running the command:
For example, to auto accept the certificate:
zac ioa cfg <server_ip:port_number> --authkey <xyz> --autoAcceptCert
NOTE:To view the imported certificate on the Inventory-Only Agent (IOA), navigate to /var/opt/novell/zenworks/zentrustore.
If you are using the default port, then specify only the IP address.
For example,
IPv4: zac ioa cfg <server_ip:port_number>
IPv6: zac ioa cfg <[server_ip]:port_number>
In the above command, replace the <server_ip> with the actual IP address.
The Inventory-Only module is started and the device is added to the Inventoried devices page in ZENworks Control Center (Devices tab > Inventoried tab > Workstations or Servers folder).
For details see Inventory-Only Commands
in the ZENworks Command Line Utilities Reference
NOTE:To debug any issues that you might face while registering the device, see the zmd-messages.log in \novell\zenworks\logs\localstore on the device that you want to register to the zone. You can also refer to service-messages.log on the server to which you are registering the device.