When you upgrade a Primary Server to ZENworks 2020 Update 2 for the first time in the Management Zone, complete the following tasks before running the upgrade.
Docker is Installed: Docker v19.x or higher should be installed on the Primary Server that you are about to upgrade. For more information on installing Docker, see Installing Docker.
Ensure that the Docker service is enabled at all times.
To check the status of the Docker service, run the following command:
$ sudo systemctl status docker.service
To enable the service, run the following command:
$ sudo systemctl enable docker.service
Ensure that the Docker service has started. To start the service, run the following command:
$ sudo systemctl start docker.service
Docker Compose is Installed: Docker Compose v1.x should be installed on the Primary Server that you are about to upgrade. To know the latest version of Docker Compose, navigate to https://github.com/docker/compose/releases. For more information on installing Docker Compose, see Installing Docker Compose.
DNS server is configured: Ensure that a DNS server has been set on the Primary Server that is being upgraded. Also, the hostname of the local machine should be resolvable over DNS.
Disable Hibernate logs: On a Linux Primary Server, ensure that the c3p0,the hibernate logs for ZENLoader, and ZENServer are disabled prior to the upgrade. For more information, see TID 7015032.
External Content-repo If you have content-repo as a symbolic link to another folder, which is outside of the ZENworks folder structure, then ensure that you perform the steps in Changing the Location of the Content Repository on a Linux or Appliance Server in the ZENworks Primary Server and Satellite Reference.
To view the remaining prerequisites that are applicable for both Windows and Linux, see For Linux and Windows Servers.
Verify Windows Installer version: Ensure that the Windows Primary Servers have Windows Installer 4.5 or later versions installed and running.
To view the remaining prerequisites that are applicable for both Windows and Linux, see For Linux and Windows Servers.
ZENworks Diagnostic Center: Before upgrading your zone, ensure that you run ZDC and verify the health of the Primary Server and the Management Zone. For more information, see ZENworks Diagnostic Center.
Review changes in the upgrade process: Ensure that you have reviewed the changes introduced in the ZENworks 2020 Update 2 release, before upgrading the Primary Servers. For more information, see Changes in the Primary Server Upgrade or Migration Process.
(Conditional) Shared content repository is mounted to the new location: If it is a shared content repository, ensure that you have unmounted the repository from the old path and mounted the repository to the new Micro Focus path, that is, /var/opt/microfocus/zenworks/content-repo on a Linux server and %ZENSERVER_HOME%\work\content-repo on a Windows server.
The content-repo folder in novell path should not be renamed or deleted by the administrators.
Review system requirements: Ensure that the Primary Server that you want to upgrade to ZENworks 2020 Update 2 meets all the System Requirements .
For more information, see Database Requirements
in the System Requirements .
ZENworks Database: Back up the ZENworks database.
Also ensure that the server hosting the database is running with an active database. For more information on the prerequisites for external databases, see Prerequisites for External Databases in ZENworks Server Installation
Backup the ZENworks Server: Back up the configuration files of the ZENworks Primary Server that you are upgrading. For more information, see Backing Up and Restoring the ZENworks Server and Certificate Authority in the ZENworks Disaster Recovery Reference.
Run the upgrade in test environment: The time required to complete the upgrade on the first Primary Server depends on the size of the data present in database. If the first Primary Server upgrade is on a device that is using an Microsoft SQL or Oracle database, then run the upgrade in a test environment (with server data similar to the production environment). This is to calculate the outage time of the production server.
CPU and Memory Utilization: Ensure that there is no high CPU utilization or memory utilization during the first Primary Server upgrade.
Stop ZENworks services: Stop all ZENworks services on any Primary Server that is not being upgraded in order to prevent the database from being accessed during the upgrade. Otherwise, this might result in the database being inconsistent.
For information about stopping ZENworks services:
On a Windows Primary Server:
See ZENworks Services on a Windows Server
in the ZENworks Primary Server and Satellite Reference.
On a Linux Primary Server:
See ZENworks Services on a Linux Server
in the ZENworks Primary Server and Satellite Reference.
When you upgrade the first server, then the System Update is available to upgrade the ZENworks Satellite Servers and managed devices to ZENworks 2020 Update 2.
Synchronize time: Ensure that the time on the server and the database are synchronized (time difference must be less than 2 minutes).
If the time difference is more than 2 minutes and less than 24 hours, a warning message is displayed during the upgrade.
If the time difference is more than 24 hours, an error message is displayed.
Verify the ports: Ensure that all fixed ports are free during the upgrade. If the fixed ports are blocked, the upgrade can not proceed. For the list of ports, see ZENworks 2020 Update 1 TCP and UDP Ports.
If you have obtained the ZENworks upgrade software as an ISO image download, do one of the following to create the upgrade DVD:
IMPORTANT:Do not extract and use the ISO image for upgrading ZENworks.
The procedure detailed in this section will enable you to download and install the latest version of Docker.
After registering to Suse Customer Center, generate a registration key for the operating system version of your Primary Server and register the device with the Suse Customer Center.
Start YaST.
In the Adminstrator Settings window, select Software > Software Repositories.
Click Add to open the Add On Product dialog box.
Select Extensions and Modules from the Registration Server.... Click Next.
From the list of Available Extensions and Modules, based on the platform version, select one of the following container modules, click Next and Finish the wizard. The modules and its repositories will be added to your system.
SLES 12 SP3, SLES 12 SP4, SLES 12 SP5: Containers Module 12 x86_64
SLES 15: Containers Module 15 x86_64
SLES 15 SP1: Containers Module 15 SP1 x86_64
On the Linux terminal, execute the following command to install the Docker package:
$ sudo zypper install docker
NOTE:If the zypper install docker command fails to install docker, then run the following command to check whether the container module has been added to the repository:
$ sudo zypper ls
If the container module has not been added, then run the following command to add the container module:
For SLES 12 SP3, SLES 12 SP4, SLES 12 SP5:
$ sudo SUSEConnect -p sle-module-containers/12/x86_64
For SLES 15:
$ sudo SUSEConnect -p sle-module-containers/15/x86_64
For SLES 15 SP1:
$ sudo SUSEConnect -p sle-module-containers/15.1/x86_64
Execute the following command to enable the Docker services:
$ sudo systemctl enable docker.service
Execute the following command to start the Docker service:
$ sudo systemctl start docker.service
Execute the following command to test whether Docker has been installed properly:
$ docker run hello-world
If the message Hello from Docker! is displayed, then it indicates that Docker has been installed successfully.
NOTE:After installing Docker, if you want to upgrade the Docker version, then ensure that you restart the ZENworks server services after the upgrade.
Before installing Docker Compose, ensure that you have already installed the Docker engine as elaborated in the previous section.
On the Linux terminal, run the following command to download the latest release of Docker Compose, in this case Docker Compose version 1.28.2:
$ sudo curl -L "https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.28.2/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
NOTE:If the server does not have Internet access and communicates through a proxy server, then refer to the curl man page for configuring curl to use proxy.
Run the following command to apply executable permissions to the binary:
$ sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
NOTE:If the docker-compose command fails after installation, check the path. You can also create a symbolic link to /usr/bin or any other directory in your path.
$ sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/docker-compose /usr/bin/docker-compose
Test the installation by running the following command. The Docker Compose version will be displayed.
$ docker-compose --version
NOTE:The latest release versions of Docker Compose is published in https://github.com/docker/compose/releases. To upgrade to the latest release, follow the steps displayed under the Linux tab in https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/. However, before upgrading Docker Compose to the latest version, ensure that you stop the ZENworks services. For more information on stopping these services, see Stopping the ZENworks Services.
By default, docker internally uses the IP In case this IP conflicts with any other device or network in your organization, only then the docker IP should be changed.
To change the internal docker IP that is being used, perform the following steps:
Stop all the ZENworks services by running the microfocus-zenworks-configure -c Start command.
Modify the daemon.json file available in the /etc/docker/, and add the line "bip":"<IP_address>", to the start of the file, as shown in the below image:
NOTE:You can use any private IP that is not being used by your organization.
In above example we have used
Restart the docker service by running the following command:
systemctl restart docker
Start all the ZENworks services by running the microfocus-zenworks-configure -c Start command.
Download the ZENworks upgrade ISO image from the Micro Focus Download site to a temporary location on your Windows device.
Burn the ISO image to a DVD.
Download the ZENworks upgrade ISO image from the Micro Focus Download site to a temporary location on your Linux device.
Mount the ISO image by using the following command:
mount -o loop /tempfolderpath/isoimagename.iso mountpoint
Replace tempfolderpath with the path of the temporary folder, replace isoimagename with the ZENworks ISO file name, and replace mountpoint with the path of the file system location where you want to mount the image. The path specified by mountpoint must already exist.
For example:
mount -o loop /zcm11/ZCM11upgr.iso /zcm11/upgrade