In ZENworks Reporting, users are managed only through the LDAP server, which is configured during ZENworks Reporting installation. By default any user present in the LDAP server can login to ZENworks reporting. In the LDAP server, it is recommended to maintain users in groups, to have advantage of role based user management available in ZENworks Reporting.
When a user initially login to ZENworks Reporting:
User is created in the ZENworks Reporting repository.
A role is created based on the LDAP group.
User is assigned to the newly created role.
For subsequent users belonging to the same LDAP group, when the user initially login, a user is created in ZENworks Reporting and user is assigned to the previously created Role in ZENworks Reporting.
In ZENworks Reporting users are categorized in to two categories (administrators and non-administrators). The groups, which are selected during installation in the Configure User Source wizard, are mapped to ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR. For all other users a role is created based on the LDAP group they belongs. For example, “user1” is a user belongs to LDAP group “group1”, then a role by name “ROLE_ group1” is created and user1 is assigned to that role.
Administrators manage ZENworks Reporting. Initially only administrators have access permissions to ZENworks Reporting. Administrators provide access permissions to other users either at role level or at user level.
For more information about permissions, see Section 5.3.1, Permissions.
NOTE:Only administrators can view and access the Manage menu.
The Non-Administrators, can analyze the data, create and scheduling reports.