You can manage the resources in the ZENworks Reporting.
Permissions on folders and resources determine what users see in the repository and perform actions. In the following table, the set of permissions are defined:
Permission |
Actions Granted on Repository Folders and Resources |
No Access |
Users cannot view or access the folder or resource. For all non-administrator users, the default permission at the root is No Access and any permissions must be explicitly defined. |
Execute Only |
Users cannot view the folder or resource in the repository, but the reports or dashboard, that they run can access them. |
Read Only |
Read + Delete |
Read + Write + Delete |
Administer |
Set the permissions (by role and by user) on a folder or resource. This effectively delegates certain repository administration tasks. |
Permissions apply when browsing or searching the repository, as well as when using any dialog that accesses the repository, such as when browsing folders to save a report. Note that:
Copying cannot preserve the permissions on an object. Users may copy a read-only object, paste it into a read-write folder, then edit the object.
Copying and cutting (moving) actions can only be completed if the user has Read + Write + Delete access to the folder in which the object is pasted. For more information, see Section 5.3.6, Moving Folders.
Cutting, deleting, and setting permissions on folders is allowed only if the user has the same permission on all folder contents. Cutting and deleting resources in bulk is allowed only if the user has at least Read + Delete permission on all selected resources.
Deleting a resource or the contents of a folder is only allowed if no other resources rely on them.
Administrators assign permissions to user to access any folder or resource throughout the repository. Users with the Administer permission on a folder can assign permissions to that folder and any contents that inherit the permission. Users with Administer permission to a resource can only set the permissions on that specific resource.
Log in to ZENworks Reporting as a user with administrator privileges.
In the Repository, browse or search for the folder or resource.
Right-click the object and select Permissions...
In the Permissions panel, permissions for the selected object is displayed. By default, it shows the permissions given to roles. Permissions that are inherited from the object’s parent are indicated by an asterisk (*).
In the Permissions panel, click User to view the permissions assigned to specific users. Click Role when viewing user permissions to toggle back.
For each user or role, you can select a new permission from the drop-down.
It shows the default user permissions on this folder.
Click Apply to save the changes. If you toggle between user and role permissions, you must click Apply first to save the changes.
Click OK to save your changes.
You can open several permissions dialogs for different resources or folders at the same time, as well as navigate the repository. This helps when trying to set permissions uniformly across several folders or organizations.
NOTE:Following are two special cases while setting permissions:
If a resource inherits a permission, for example Read-Only, you cannot set the permission to the same value, at least not directly. You must temporarily change the permission level on the parent folder, set the explicit permission, and then set the parent folder’s permission back to the original value.
When a resource and its parent folder have been set to the same permission in this way, the permission still shows the asterisk as if the permission were inherited. But when the parent is later given a different permission, for example Read-Write, the resource retains its explicit Read-Only permission instead of inheriting Read-Write.
To reset the permission level so that it inherits from its parent folder, select a different permissions level and click Apply, then select the permission with the asterisk and click Apply.
Ensure that there are no reports or Ad-hoc views directly under the Organization folder. Provide Read-Only permissions to the Organization folder in order to grant permissions lower in the folder structure. All the files in this folder is visible to the user given permission. If there are reports or views that cannot be accessed, an error message is displayed. If user cancel the error message, they will be able to run the appropriate reports.
Create a folder under Reports for the reports that you want to give permission to use.
Move the report and the associated Ad-hoc view into the folder.
Use the following procedure to assign permissions and test the user access.
You can assign permissions to a user or a role (roles are groups from the user source).
View Repository and open folder list.
Right-click on Organization and choose Permissions.
Search for the user/role that needs the permissions.
Set the permissions to Read-Only.
Click Apply and then OK.
Right-click on Data Sources and choose Permissions.
Search for the user/role that needs the permissions.
Set the permissions to Execute-Only.
Click Apply and then OK.
Right-click on Domains and choose Permissions.
Search for the user/role that needs the permissions.
Set the permissions to Read-Only.
Click Apply and then OK.
Right-click on Temp and choose Permissions.
Search for the user/role that needs the permissions.
Set the permissions to Read + Write.
Click Apply and then OK.
(optional if report is under Public) Right-click on Public and choose Permissions.
Search for the user/role that needs the permissions.
Set the permissions to Read-Only.
Click Apply and then OK.
Right-click on the folder containing the reports and choose Permissions.
Search for the user/role that needs the permissions.
Set the permissions to Read + Write.
Click Apply and then OK.
You do not want users to delete the Ad-hoc view. Right-click the Ad-hoc view in the folder and choose Permissions.
Search for the user/role that needs the permissions.
Set the permissions to Execute-Only.
Click Apply and then OK.
Test a report.
Click on Manage Users.
Click the user and choose Login as User at the bottom right.
Click Library and then the report.
You can assign permissions to create Ad Hoc Views to any Role or User.
Log in to ZENworks Reporting as users (non-administrators).
It allows User or Role being available for permissions.
Log out from ZENworks Reporting.
Log in to ZENworks Reporting as administrator user.
Click View > Repository.
In the Folders panel, right-click on Organization folder, then click Permissions.
In the Permissions panel, select Read Only for the role or user, then click OK.
In the Folders panel > Organization >, right-click on Data Sources, then click Permissions.
In the Permissions panel, select Execute Only for the role or user, then click OK.
In the Folders panel > Organization >, right-click on Domains, then click Permissions.
In the Permissions panel, select Read Only for the role or user, then click OK.
In the Folders panel > Organization >, right-click on Reports, then click Permissions.
In the Permissions panel, select Read Only for the role or user, then click OK.
In the Folders panel > Organization > Reports, create a folder and provide Read+Write+Delete permission to that role_user. For more information, see Section 5.3.5, Creating Folders.
In the Folders panel > Organization >, right-click on Temp, then click Permissions.
In the Permissions panel, select Read+Write for the role or user, then click OK.
Perform Step 1 to Step 12 as mentioned in Section 5.3.3, Assigning Permissions to Create Ad Hoc Views.
If you have Write permission for folders and resources, you can create folder and assign rights.
To Create a folder:
Log in to ZENworks Reporting.
Click View > Repository.
In the Folders panel, right-click on a folder, then click Add Folder.
In the Add Folder dialog box, specify a name, and click Add.
You can provide permissions to the created folder through users or roles.
If you have read rights for folders and resources, you can copy from the folder and paste them to another destination folder which has write permission. You can use cut option only if you have you have write permission for folders and resources.
NOTE:Relocated objects inherit permissions from the destination folder. To change permissions on an object, set the permissions explicitly.
To move folders and resources:
Log in to ZENworks Reporting as a user who has these permissions:
Read permission on the folder or resource to move.
Write permission on the destination folder.
Click View > Repository.
In the Folders panel, click Reports > ZENworks > Add Folder.
In the Add Folder dialog box, enter a name, for example, ZENworks Reports.
Click Add.
The ZENworks Reports folder is displayed as a sub folder of ZENworks and inherits Administrator User’s default permissions (read-write-delete) on the parent folder.
The ZENworks Reports folder deserves a more prominent location. Move it up one level:
In Folders, right-click ZENworks Reports, then click Cut.
Right-click Reports, and select Paste.
The ZENworks Reports folder now displays in Reports at the same level as ZENworks.
NOTE:You can relocate a folder, subject to permissions, anywhere in the repository with one exception: The server do not support copying and pasting a folder to the same location. If the Paste is disabled when you right-click a destination folder, you do not have write permission on the folder.