A Windows bundle lets you distribute a Microsoft* Windows Installer (MSI) package, Microsoft Windows Software Patch (MSP) package, thin-client application, or other Windows-based applications to a Windows device.
You can use ZENworks Control Center or the zman command line utility to create bundles. The following procedure explains how to create a bundle using ZENworks Control Center. If you prefer the zman command line utility, see Bundle Commands
in ZENworks Command Line Utilities
To create a Windows bundle:
In ZENworks Control Center, click the Bundles tab.
In the Bundle list, click New, then click Bundle to display the Select Bundle Type page.
Select Windows Bundle, then click Next to display the Select Bundle Category page.
Select the desired bundle category:
Empty Bundle: A bundle with no initial tasks. This bundle category is useful to quickly create a bundle without performing all of tasks in the Create New Bundle Wizard. After you create the empty bundle, you can edit its details to add assignments, actions, and so forth, at a later time.
Copy Directory: Copies a source directory to the specified location on the managed device.
Copy Files: Copies files to the specified location on the managed device.
Create/Delete Directory: Creates or Deletes a directory on the managed device.
Install Directory: Uploads the contents of a directory and its sub-directories to the ZENworks content system and then installs them to the specified destination path on the managed device. By default, the content is replicated to all primary servers.
Install Files: Uploads the files to the ZENworks content system and then installs them to the specified destination path on the managed device. By default, the content is replicated to all primary servers.
NOTE:To add link or shortcut files, in ZCCHelper, when you enter *.lnk as the File Name, the available list of link and shortcut files are displayed. After you select the required file, ZENworks uploads only the link file, instead of the executable to which the file links.
MSI Application: An application that is packaged as a .msi file so that it can be installed by the Microsoft Windows Installer program.
For important information about creating MSI Application bundles, see Section 1.8, Packaging Considerations.
If you have a non-MSI application that is more complex than this, we recommend that you use ZENworks Software Packaging, powered by AdminStudio ZENworks Edition, to create an MSI package for the application and then use the MSI Application option to create a bundle. For more information on installing AdminStudio, see AdminStudio ZENworks Edition Installation Guide.
MSIX Application: An application that is packaged as a .msix file so that it can be installed by the Microsoft Windows Installer program.
For important information about creating MSIX Application bundles, see Section 1.8, Packaging Considerations.
If you have a non-MSIX application that is more complex than this, we recommend that you use ZENworks Software Packaging, powered by AdminStudio ZENworks Edition, to create an MSIX package for the application and then use the MSIX Application option to create a bundle. For more information on installing AdminStudio, see AdminStudio ZENworks Edition Installation Guide.
MSP Application: An application patch that is packaged as a .msp file so that it can be applied by the Microsoft Windows Installer program.
For important information about creating MSP Application bundles, see Section 1.8, Packaging Considerations.
Simple Application: An example of a Simple Application would be launching Windows Note pad. Typically, Simple Applications requires ZENworks Agent to copy a few files to the workstation or make a few changes to the workstations registry, INI files, environment variables, and so forth.
If you have a non-MSI application that is more complex than this, we recommend that you use ZENworks Software Packaging, powered by AdminStudio ZENworks Edition, to create an MSI package for the application and then use the MSI Application option to create a bundle. For more information on installing AdminStudio, see AdminStudio ZENworks Edition Installation Guide.
Thin-Client Application: An application, running on a terminal server, that is accessed through a terminal server client session (either RDP or ICA).
Web Application: An application that is launched by using a URL in a Web browser.
Click Next to display the Define Details page, then fill in the fields:
Bundle Name: Provide a name for the bundle. The bundle name must be different than the name of any other item (bundle, group, folder, and so forth) that resides in the same folder. The name you provide displays in ZENworks Control Center and the ZENworks Agent (on managed devices).
For more information, see Naming Conventions in ZENworks Control Center
in the ZENworks Control Center Reference.
Folder: Type the name or browse to and select the ZENworks Control Center folder where you want the bundle to reside. The default path is the context from where the bundle creation wizard is invoked. For example, if you choose to create a new bundle from the bundles page, the default folder path is /bundles. However, if you choose to create a bundle from with a bundle folder named folder1, the default folder path is /bundles/folder1. You can also create additional folders to organize your bundles.
Icon: ZENworks Configuration Management lets you select an icon that users see during installation of a particular bundle. This icon applies only to the icon displayed by ZENworks Agent on the managed device. ZCC uses default icons to represent the different bundles.
Before an icon can be selected, you need to install ZCC Helper.
To select an icon, click, allow browser to launch ZCC Helper, and then browse and select the icon you want to display on managed devices.
If the file contains multiple icons, using ZCC Helper you can select the required icon.
If you do not specify an icon, a default icon is used.
NOTE:All icons for bundles need to have a color depth of 256. True color depth for icons is not supported.
Description: Provide a short description of the bundle's contents. This description displays in ZENworks Control Center and in the ZENworks Agent.
Click Next, then skip to the appropriate step, depending on which bundle category you chose in Step 4:
Empty Bundle: Continue with Step 18.
Copy Directory: Continue with Step 7.
Copy Files: Continue with Step 8.
Create/Delete Directory: Continue with Step 9.
Install Directory: Continue with Step 10.
Install Files: Continue with Step 11.
MSI Application: Continue with Step 12.
MSP Application: Skip to Step 14.
Simple Application: Skip to Step 15.
Thin Client Application: Skip to Step 16.
Web Application: Skip to Step 17.
(Conditional) If you are creating an Copy Directory bundle, follow the wizard prompts until you reach the Summary page, then skip to Step 18.
Click Help for information about each page or refer to the following table:
Wizard Page and Field |
Details |
Select Directory page > Source Directory field |
If you have not installed ZCC Helper on this device, you must do so before you can browse for a directory. Click Browse, and allow browser to launch ZCC Helper. The Select Folder dialog box is displayed, click browse and select the directory to copy. |
Select Directory page > Destination Directory field |
Specify the destination path on the device where you want to copy the directory. |
Select Directory page > Copy Option |
Select a copy option from the list. For more information on the options, click Help. |
Select Directory page > Attributes field |
Select one or more of the following attributes: Hidden: Select the Hidden check box to specify that the directory is hidden after being copied. Read-only: Select the Read-only check box to specify that the directory is read-only after being copied. |
(Conditional) If you are creating an Copy Files bundle, follow the wizard prompts until you reach the Summary page, then skip to Step 18.
Click Help for information about each page or refer to the following table:
Wizard Page and Field |
Details |
Select Files page > File field |
Click Add, allow browser to launch ZCC Helper. The Select Files dialog box is displayed, specify the files you want to copy to the device, then click OK. Repeat this step as many times as necessary to copy the desired files. If the ZCC Helper is not installed on this device, you must install it before you can browse for file paths. |
Select Files page > Destination Directory field |
Specify the destination directory on the device in which you want to copy the file. |
Select Files page > Create Shortcuts for Source Files |
Select the Create Shortcuts for Source Files option to create shortcut icons for the source file on the destination directory. The source files are not copied to the destination directory. |
Select Files page > Copy Option |
Select a copy option from the list. For more information on the options, click Help. |
Select Files page > Attributes field |
Select one or more of the following attributes: Hidden: Select the Hidden check box to specify that the file is hidden after being copied. Read-only: Select the Read-only check box to specify that the file is read-only after being copied. |
(Conditional) If you are creating an Create/Delete Directory bundle, follow the wizard prompts until you reach the Summary page, then skip to Step 18.
Click Help for information about each page or refer to the following table:
Wizard Page and Field |
Details |
Select Directory page > Action Type field |
Select one of the following:
Select Directory page > Directory Name field |
Specify the complete path of the directory you want to create or delete on the managed device. This path must be resolved by the device on which the bundle is run. |
(Conditional) If you are creating an Install Directory bundle, follow the wizard prompts until you reach the Summary page, then skip to Step 18.
Click Help for information about each page or refer to the following table:
Wizard Page and Field |
Details |
Select Directory page > Source Directory field |
Click The Status field displays each file’s upload status. Select the Upload all files within the source directory as a single package option to enable all the files within the specified source directory to be uploaded as a single content. If ZCC Helper is not installed on this device, it must be installed before you can browse to and upload files to be copied. |
Select Directory page > Upload Files As field |
Specifies whether the content has been uploaded as a single content or multiple contents to the ZENworks content repository. If the Upload all files within the source directory as a single package option in the Select Directory dialog box is not selected, then the files are uploaded by packaging in to multiple contents and the value of Upload Files As option is displayed as Multiple Content. If the Upload all files within the source directory as a single package option in the Select Directory dialog box is selected, then the files are uploaded by packaging in to single content and the value of Upload Files As option is displayed as Single Content. |
Select Directory page > Packaging field |
Specifies how the content is packaged before it is distributed to assigned devices. If the Do not compress or encrypt uploaded content option in the Select Directory dialog box is not selected, the value of Packaging option is initially displayed as Auto as the content is in the process of being encrypted and compressed. After the content has been encrypted and compressed, the value of Packaging option changes to Compressed, Encrypted. If the Do not compress or encrypt uploaded content option in the Select Directory dialog box is selected, the value of Packaging option is displayed as None because the content is neither compressed nor encrypted. |
Select Directory page > Destination Directory field |
Specify the destination path on the device where you want to install the directory. |
Select Directory page > Copy Option |
Select a copy option from the list. For more information on the options, click Help. |
Select Directory page > Attributes field |
Select one or more of the following attributes: Hidden: Select the Hidden check box to specify that the directory is hidden after being copied. Read-only: Select the Read-only check box to specify that the directory is read-only after being copied. |
(Conditional) If you are creating an Install Files bundle, follow the wizard prompts until you reach the Summary page, then skip to Step 18.
Click Help for information about each page or refer to the following table:
Wizard Page and Field |
Details |
Select Files page > File field |
Click Add, allow browser to launch ZCC Helper. The Select Files dialog box is displayed, specify the files you want to install on the device, then click Upload. Repeat this step as many times as necessary to copy the desired files. By default, the content is encrypted and compressed. If you do not want to compress or encrypt the content, select the Do not compress or encrypt uploaded content option. Click OK to upload the files to the server. The File option lists all the uploaded files, the size of the files, and how the content is packaged. If ZCC Helper is not installed on this device, you must install it before you can browse for file paths. |
Select Files page > Destination Directory field |
Specify the destination directory on the device in which you want to install the file. |
Select Files page > Copy Option |
Select a copy option from the list. For more information on the options, click Help. |
Select Files page > Attributes field |
Select one or more of the following attributes: Hidden: Select the Hidden check box to specify that the file is hidden after being copied. Read-only: Select the Read-only check box to specify that the file is read-only after being copied. |
(Conditional) If you are creating an MSI Application bundle, follow the wizard prompts until you reach the Summary page, then skip to Step 18.
Click Help for information about each page or refer to the following table:
Wizard Page and Field |
Details |
Select .msi File page > Upload .msi file for normal install field |
Use this option if you want the .msi file copied to the ZENworks Server and then distributed from the ZENworks Server to assigned users and devices. This is referred to a normal install because ZENworks Agent copies the .msi file to the managed device’s local drive and then the Microsoft Windows Installer program installs the application from the local .msi file. Click NOTE:By default, ZENworks Control Center has a 30-minute timeout value. If you leave ZENworks Control Center idle on your computer for more than 30 minutes, you are prompted to log in again before continuing. Because the upload process can take considerable time for a large .msi file, the default timeout value does not apply for this page. |
Select .msi File page > Enter UNC path of .msi file for network install field |
Use this option if you want the Microsoft Windows Installer program to install the application from the .msi file on a network location. You must specify the complete path to the .msi file to use as the source file during distribution to the workstation. You can use a mapped drive or UNC path. If you use a drive mapping, you must ensure that all workstations have the same drive mapped to the source location. For this reason, we recommend that you specify a UNC path. After you create the MSI bundle, you cannot change the .msi filename; however, you can change the path to the .msi file. If you change the .msi filename, the installation fails. |
Select .msi File page > Install Parameters field |
Click |
Select .msi File page > Unistall Parameters field |
Click |
Select .msi File page > Repair Parameters field |
Click |
Select .msi File page > MSI Properties field |
The MSI package contains the property values that were defined during the administrative installation of the application. These property values determine the way the Microsoft Windows Installer installs the application to the workstation. In some cases, you might want to change one or more of the property values. For example, a property value might define the default location for a user’s work files. By adding the property to the list and changing the property’s value, you can override the default location defined in the MSI package. If necessary, you can add public properties that were not included in the MSI package. When doing so, you should be careful to add only those properties that are valid for the package. To override a property value, you change the property value and add the property to the Properties list so that Application Launcher knows to use that property value rather than the one defined in the MSI package. To do so, click Add to display the MSI Properties dialog box. In the Name field, select the property whose value you want to override, specify the new value in the Value field, then click OK to add the property to the MSI Properties list. To modify a property that is in the MSI Properties list, select the property, click Edit, modify the value data, then click OK. To remove a property from the MSI Properties list, select the property, then click Remove. Deleting the property causes future installations of the application to use the property value defined in the MSI package. |
Select .msi File page > Select Transforms File field |
Click Add to browse to and select the desired . You can upload the or you can specify its location. Different groups within an organization often use the same application, but that does not mean they require the same feature set. One of the benefits of Windows Installer is that if you have 10 groups needing 10 different feature sets or other alterations for the same application, you can deploy the same MSI package to all 10 user groups, but with a different (MST) applied for each group. A is a collection of changes applied to an MSI installation. It contains all modification information, such as whether features are installed; how they are installed; which files, shortcuts, and registry entries are included; and Add/Remove Programs applet information. If you have vendor-supplied MSI packages, you can use AdminStudio ZENworks Edition to create and manage transforms |
Select Command page > Executable to run field |
The Select Command page lets you specify an optional executable to run after the .msi file installs. Click Browse to browse for and select the executable to run. If the executable is installed in the Program Files directory on the managed device, you must use macros as follows:
If you have not installed ZCC Helper on this device, you must do so before you can browse to and upload files. |
(Conditional) If you are creating an MSIX Application bundle, follow the wizard prompts until you reach the Summary page, then skip to Step 18.
Click Help for information about each page or refer to the following table:
Wizard Page and Field |
Details |
Select .msix File page > Upload .msix file for normal install field |
Use this option if you want the .msix file copied to the ZENworks Server and then distributed from the ZENworks Server to assigned users and devices. This is referred to a normal install because ZENworks Agent copies the .msix file to the managed device’s local drive and then the Microsoft Windows Installer program installs the application from the local .msix file. Click NOTE:By default, ZENworks Control Center has a 30-minute timeout value. If you leave ZENworks Control Center idle on your computer for more than 30 minutes, you are prompted to log in again before continuing. Because the upload process can take considerable time for a large .msix file, the default timeout value does not apply for this page. |
Select .msix File page > Enter UNC path of .msix file for network install field |
Use this option if you want the Microsoft Windows Installer program to install the application from the .msix file on a network location. You must specify the complete path to the .msix file to use as the source file during distribution to the workstation. You can use a mapped drive or UNC path. If you use a drive mapping, you must ensure that all workstations have the same drive mapped to the source location. For this reason, we recommend that you specify a UNC path. After you create the MSI bundle, you cannot change the .msix filename; however, you can change the path to the .msix file. If you change the .msix filename, the installation fails. |
Select .msix File page > Select Certificate field |
If the application’s certificate is not signed by a well-known CA, then you can upload a certificate by clicking the Select Certificate button. It supports the .pem, .crt, .cer, .der, .p7b, or.p7c file formats. |
Select .msix File page > Installation Mode field |
Select the desired install options:
Select Command page > Executable to run field |
The Select Command page lets you specify an optional executable to run after the .msix file installs. Click Browse to browse for and select the executable to run. If the executable is installed in the Program Files directory on the managed device, you must use macros as follows:
If you have not installed ZCC Helper on this device, you must do so before you can browse to and upload files. |
If you are creating an MSP Application bundle, follow the wizard prompts until you reach the Summary page, then skip to Step 18.
Click Help for information about each page or refer to the following table:
Wizard Page and Field |
Details |
Select .msp File page > Upload .msp file for normal install field |
Use this option if you want the .msp file copied to the ZENworks Server and then distributed from the ZENworks Server to assigned users and devices. This is referred to a normal install because ZENworks Agent copies the .msp file to the managed device’s local drive and then it is installed from the local .msp file. |
Select .msp File page > Enter UNC path of .msp file for network install field |
Use this option if you want to install from the .msp file on a network location. You must specify the complete path to the .msp file to use as the source file during distribution to the workstation. You can use a mapped drive or UNC path. If you use a drive mapping, you must ensure that all workstations have the same drive mapped to the source location. For this reason, we recommend that you specify a UNC path. After you create the MSP bundle, you cannot change the .msp filename; however, you can change the path to the .msp file. If you change the .msp filename, the installation fails. |
Select .msp File page > Command Line Parameters field |
After you select the .msp file, the Command Line Parameters field is automatically populated, for example /p patch_package /qn where /p designates a patch file, patch_package specifies the .msp file, and /qn specifies an installation with no user interface (silent installation). To install a .msp file, you should normally use the /qn option. You can, however, specify additional options. For more information, see the MSDN Web site. |
If you are creating Simple Application bundle, follow the wizard prompts until you reach the Summary page, then skip to Step 18.
Click Help for information about each page or refer to the following table:
Wizard Page and Field |
Details |
Enter the Command to Run page > Command field |
Specify the command to launch the application. You should include the full path to the executable in case the executable is not in the device’s search path. This path, whether the application is on the device’s local drive or a network resource, must be relative to the device. For example, if the executable file is on the device’s local drive, you would specify something like c:\winnt\notepad.exe. If the executable file is on a network resource, you would specify something like j:\apps\notepad.exe (if all users will have J: mapped to the location) or \\server1\vol1\apps\notepad.exe. |
Enter the Command to Run page > Command Line Parameters field |
Specify any command line parameters that need to be passed to the executable. ZENworks Agent passes the parameters exactly as they are specified. Therefore, the parameter syntax you use must exactly match the syntax the executable requires. For example, if word.exe has a /f=filepath parameter that requires paths with spaces to be enclosed in quotation marks, you would specify the following: /f="c:\my docs\sample.doc" |
Enter the Command to Run page > Working Directory field |
Specify the path to the directory you want the application to use for its working files. |
If you are creating a Thin Client Application bundle, follow the wizard prompts until you reach the Summary page, then skip to Step 18.
Click Help for information about each page or refer to the following table:
Wizard Page and Field |
Details |
Configure Thin Client Details page > ICA Session: Published Application Name field |
Type the published application name exactly as it is defined in Citrix*. |
Configure Thin Client Details page > ICA Session: Servers Hosting the Application field |
Add the Citrix servers that host the application. To add a server, specify the server’s IP address or hostname, then click Add. The order in which the servers are listed is the preferred order for launching. You can use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to change the order if necessary. |
Configure Thin Client Details page > RDP Session: Terminal Server Address field |
Type the terminal server’s IP address or hostname. |
Configure Thin Client Details page > RDP Session: Server Port field |
If the terminal server is not using the default port 3389, specify the correct port number. |
Configure Thin Client Details page > RDP Session: Server Domain field |
If the terminal server is part of a Windows NT* domain or an Active Directory* domain, enter the domain name. If the user’s name and password in the domain matches the user name and password in Novell eDirectory, the user is not prompted to log in to the terminal server when launching the application. |
Configure Thin Client Details page > RDP Session: Application Path field |
Specify the path to the application’s executable file from the perspective of the terminal server. |
Configure Thin Client Details page > RDP Session: Application Working Directory field |
Specify the path to the directory you want the application to use for its working files. |
Configure Thin Client Details page > RDP Session: Color Depth field |
Select the number of colors for the RDP client session. You can select 256 Colors, High Color (15 bits), High Color (16 bits), or True Color (24 bits). The default is True Color (24 bits). |
Configure Thin Client Details page > RDP Session: Screen Size field |
If you want the RDP client session to use the entire desktop area, select Operate in full screen mode. Otherwise, select Use specified screen size and manually set the width and height (in pixels). |
Configure Thin Client Details page > RDP Session: Advanced Settings for redirection field |
Select the settings such as drivers, printers, serial ports, and smart cards that you want to map to the remote desktop machine. |
If you are creating a Web Application bundle, follow the wizard prompts until you reach the Summary page, then skip to Step 18.
Click Help for information about each page or refer to the following table:
Wizard Page and Field |
Details |
Enter URL page > URL field |
Specify the location (URL) of the Web application. The URL should point to the primary file for the Web application or to a Web page that allows access to the Web application. Click the Test URL button to test the URL. |
Review the information on the Summary page, making any changes to the bundle settings by using the Back button as necessary.
Skip to Step 21 to create the published version of the bundle.
(Conditional) Select the Create as Sandbox option to create a sandbox-only version of the bundle.
A sandbox-only version of a bundle enables you to test the bundle on your device before actually deploying it. For more information on a sandbox-only bundle, see Section 7.0, Understanding Bundle Change Management.
(Conditional) Select the Define Additional Properties option to display the bundle’s Action page after the wizard completes. You can use the various tabs to edit the bundle’s assignments, system requirements, actions, settings, and content replication settings.
Click Finish to create the bundle as configured per settings on the Summary page.
When you click Finish, the bundle is created but it does not have users or devices assigned, s, and group membership. At some point in the future, you need to configure additional options for the bundle by continuing with Section 9.1, Assigning Existing Bundles to Devices or Section 9.2, Assigning Existing Bundles to Users.
For information on the viewing the bundle information, see Section 3.0, Viewing the Bundle Information.