5.2 Performing the External ZENworks Database Installation

This section provides instructions for installing the ZENworks database by running the ZENworks installation program on the database server. This method is required if you are using a remote OEM PostgreSQL database. For other databases, this method is useful if your ZENworks administrator and database administrator are not the same person.You can also install your external ZENworks database when you install the ZENworks Primary Server software on the target Linux server. If you want to use this method, skip this section and go to Section 3.0, Adding a New Linux Primary Server.

Ensure that the server where you plan to install the external database fulfills the requirements in Database Requirements and Prerequisites for External Databases.

  1. On the server where you want to install the external database, insert the ZENworks installation DVD. If the DVD autoruns the database installation program, exit the program.

    Run the following command on the external database server:

    sh /media/cdrom/setup.sh -c

    This provides additional options that you do not have when installing the Primary Server, especially if you want to make your database a remote database. You can view the SQL files generating the ZENworks database, create access users, view creation commands (PostgreSQL only), and so on. Only GUI installation is available for installing ZENworks and audit database instances using the -c option.


    If ZENworks has already been installed on a device, and if you want to use the device to configure another instance of the ZENworks database (on the same device or on another device) by using the external database installation program, run the following command:

    mounted_DVD_drive/setup.sh -c --zcminstall

    Using the sh command resolves rights issues.

  2. On the Select ZENworks Database page, select one of the following:

    • Select ZENworks Database

    • Select Audit Database

    • Select both ZENworks Database and Audit Database

      NOTE:When the ZENworks Database and Audit Database option is selected, you need to create the ZENworks database first and then create the audit database.

    The supported combinations of ZENworks and Audit database are shown below:

    ZENworks Database

    Audit Database

    Embedded PostgreSQL

    • External PostgreSQL (Default)

    • External PostgreSQL

    External PostgreSQL

    • External PostgreSQL (Default)

    • External PostgreSQL

    Microsoft SQL Server

    Microsoft SQL Server



  3. On the Select Database type page, select one of the following, then click Next:

    • PostgreSQL: Sets up an existing PostgreSQL database for writing ZENworks information to it.

    • Microsoft SQL Server: Creates a ZENworks database on a Microsoft SQL Server.

    • Oracle: Specifies a user schema that you can use to set up an external Oracle database schema for use with ZENworks.

    IMPORTANT:The server hosting the database must have time synchronization with all of the Primary Servers in the Management Zone.

  4. Refer to the following information for details on the installation data that you need to know (you can also click the Help button for similar information):

5.2.1 PostgreSQL Database Installation Information

Installation Information


PostgreSQL Server Configuration

  • Server name: We recommend that you identify the server by its DNS name rather than its IP address, to be in sync with certificates that are signed with DNS names.

    IMPORTANT:If you change your database server’s IP address or DNS name at a later time, ensure that your corporate DNS server is updated with this change to keep DNS for the database server in sync.

  • Port: Specify the port used by the PostgreSQL database server. The default is port 54327. For the Audit database, the default is port 54327. Change the default port number if you have a conflict.

PostgreSQL Access Configuration

This server must have a PostgreSQL database installed. Defaults are provided for some of this information, which can be changed as necessary.

  • Database Name: Specify the name of the existing database

  • Username: Specify the user who can modify the database. The user must have read/write permissions to modify the database.

  • Password: Specify the password of an existing user with read/write permissions to the database.

  • Database Server Name: Specify the name of your PostgreSQL database server.

Review Database Information

Review the database configuration information.

The database driver information is automatically detected by the ZENworks Database installer.

Review SQL Scripts

Review the SQL scripts to be executed during the creation of the database.

Review Database Creation Commands

Review the database commands used to create the database.

5.2.2 MS SQL Database Installation Information

Installation Information


External Database Server Configuration

The database server must have an MS SQL database installed. Defaults are provided for some of this information, which can be changed as necessary:

  • Server Address: We recommend that you identify the server by its DNS name rather than its IP address, to be in sync with certificates that are signed with DNS names.

    IMPORTANT:If you change your database server’s IP address or DNS name at a later time, ensure that your corporate DNS server is updated with this change to keep DNS for the database server in sync.

  • Port: Specify the port used by the MS SQL database server. The default is port 1433. Change the default port number if you have a conflict.

  • Named instance: This is the name of the SQL server instance that is hosting the existing ZENworks database. You must specify the named instance if you want it to be something other than the default of mssqlserver.

  • Database Name: Specify the name of the existing MS SQL database on which you want to host the ZENworks database. This option is available only for an existing database.

  • Username: Specify the user who can modify the database. The user must have read/write permissions to modify the database.

    NOTE:Ensure that the special character ' is not part of the database name.

    For Windows authentication, provide a user name on the current device or in the domain.

    IMPORTANT:The installer wizard continues without validating the credentials; therefore, ensure that the correct credentials are provided. Else, the installation might fail towards the end of the installation process.

    For SQL authentication, provide a user name that matches that of a valid SQL user.

    If both ZENworks database and audit database are created on the same machine then, ensure that ZENworks database users and audit database user are not the same.


  • Password: Type the password of the user specified in the Username field.

  • Domain: It is important to know whether you installed the SQL Server by using SQL authentication, Windows authentication, or mixed. Ensure that you select the option that coincides with your SQL Server options; otherwise, the authentication will fail.

    If you are using MS SQL with Windows Authentication, the host name (not FQDN) of Active Directory is used.

    If you are using Windows authentication, specify the Windows domain where the user you specified in the Username field exists. If you are not using a Windows domain, specify the server’s short name.

External Database Configuration > Database Location (applicable only for the new database)

Specify the path of the existing MS SQL database file on the SQL server. By default, it is c:\database.

NOTE:Ensure that the specified path exists on the device hosting the database before the installation starts.

Review Database Information

Review the database configuration information.

Review SQL Scripts

Review the SQL scripts to be executed during the creation of the database. You can only view the scripts.

5.2.3 Oracle Database Installation Information

Installation Information


Oracle User Schema Options

During ZENworks installation, you can select to create a new user schema or specify an existing schema that resides on a server in your network. To use an existing user schema, the user schema must be created separately by using the ZENworks database installation method (setup.sh -c).

ZENworks requires tablespaces to be created on the Oracle database. A tablespace can be created either by ZENworks or Database Administrator. For an existing user schema, specify the information for the tablespace that is already created by using ZENworks database installation method.

Oracle Server information

The database server must have an Oracle database installed. Defaults are provided for some of this information, which can be changed as necessary.

  • Server Address: We recommend that you identify the server by its DNS name rather than its IP address, to be in sync with certificates that are signed with DNS names.

    IMPORTANT:If change your database server’s IP address or DNS name at a later time, ensure that your corporate DNS server is updated with this change to keep DNS for the database server in sync.

  • Port: Specify the port used by the database server. The default is port 1521. Change the default port number if you have a conflict.

  • Service Name: For a new user schema, specify the instance name (SID) on which the user schema is to be created. For an existing user schema, specify the instance name (SID) on which the user schema has been created.

Oracle Administrator (applicable only for the new user schema)

  • Username: Specify the user who can modify the database. The user must have read/write permissions to modify the database.

  • Password: Specify the password to be used to the access the database.

Oracle Access User

  • Username: For a new user schema, specify a name. For an existing user schema, specify the name of the user schema that already exists in the Oracle database.

  • Password: For a new user schema, specify a password to be used to access the database. For an existing user schema, specify the password used to access the user schema that already exists in the Oracle database.

  • Tablespace: For a new user schema, select one of the following tablespace options:

    • Let ZENworks create the tablespace: Select this if you want ZENworks to create the tablespace.

    • Let DBA create the tablespace: Select this if you want your database administrator to create the tablespace.

      The following details are required to create a new tablespace:

      IMPORTANT:If you are using Automatic Storage Management(ASM) or some other Disk storage, select Let DBA create the tablespace.

      • Tablespace name for Tables (Ensure t name is unique and it should start with [a-z] | [A-Z].Oracle tablespace naming convention has to be followed.)

      • Tablespace name for Indexes (Ensure Tablespace name is unique and it should start with [a-z] | [A-Z].Oracle tablespace naming convention has to be followed.)

      • DBF File location for Tables

      • DBF File location for Indexes (The specified physical path of the DBF file should be an existing path. The file name must have the .dbf extension.)

    For an existing user schema, specify the following information:

    • Tablespace name for Tables: Specify the tablespace name for the tables that are associated with the existing database user specified in the Username field.

    • Tablespace name for Indexes: Specify the tablespace name for the indexes that are associated with the existing database user specified in the Username field.

Review Database Information

Review the database configuration information.

Review SQL Scripts

Review the SQL scripts to be executed during the creation of the database.