A.0 Troubleshooting

The following sections provides solutions to the problems you might encounter while deploying and Configuring ZENworks Appliance:

Online Update to MFCC/SMT Fails

Source: ZENworks Appliance
Explanation: After ZENworks Appliance configuration, the security updates (product and operating system patches) could not be applied as users were unable to register to Micro Focus Customer Center (MFCC) server or a Local Subscription Management Tool (SMT) server.
Action: To resolve this issue, apply the ZENworks 23.4 - FTF 94 or later and retry to register on the Online Update page. For steps to apply the ZENworks 23.4 - FTF 94, see Official Primary Server FTF 94 on ZENworks 23.4.

ZENworks Appliance disk expansion does not take effect

Explanation: On ZENworks appliance, the function to expand the /vastorage disk on the web administration console does not take effect if the appliance contains any additional disk which is mounted to a directory below /vastorage.

The system does not report any errors and request the administrator to restart the appliance. The size of the /vastorage disk is unchanged after the appliance has been restarted.

Action: On a command line, stop all ZENworks services using the microfocus-zenworks-configure -c Start command and then unmount the additional disk umount /dev/sdc1 before using the web administration console to expand the /vastorage disk.