This tile launches an integrated view for File System Explorer and Terminal.
SSH service needs to be running for terminal to work. SSH service is not started by default for security reasons.
On the ZENworks Appliance home page, in the Appliance Configuration, click the System Services icon.
Select the SSH service on the System Services page.
Click Action, then click Start.
Set the SSH service to Automatic, if you want to restart the SSH service automatically after you reboot the device.
On the ZENworks Appliance home page, in the ZENworks section, click Terminal & File Explorer
A new browser window launches two frames that display a File Explorer (for performing file operations) and a Terminal. Whenever you close the Terminal browser or tab, then a confirmation message is displayed.
If you log in as zenadmin or root user, you can open a terminal session. The zenadmin user can execute ZENworks commands such as zman, zac, and .
You can perform file operations by using an embedded File Explorer that enables you to transfer content between the local and the remote file systems. You can also open new terminals rooted at any folder in the remote file system.
You can launch more than one terminal by clicking New Terminal. By default, a maximum of five terminals can be launched.
To configure with any other value than the default value of the terminal:
Go to
Open the file.
Change the maxTerminalsPerBrowser value with the required value, then save the file.
To select a theme (foreground and background color) for the terminals:
Click the Settings icon, then select the required terminal theme.
To create a theme:
Go to
Open the terminal-themes.xml file.
Add your own theme, then save the file. For example:
<theme> <name>example</name> <background-color>#000000</background-color> <foreground-color>yellow</foreground-color> </theme>
On the ZENworks Appliance home page, in the ZENworks section, click Terminal & File Explorer.
A new browser window launches two frames that display a File Explorer (for performing file operations) and a Terminal (SSH).
This enables you to perform operations on files and folders.
The file operations are based on user privileges (POSIX file permissions).
If you log in as zenadmin, all file operations are executed as zenworks user.
If you log in as root, all file operations are executed as root user.
In the tabular view, a context menu is available with these options: Open Terminal, Refresh, Upload, Delete, and Rename.
The Tree View for appliance file system displays the appliance file system as a tree. Only folders are displayed in the tree view. The following options are available Open Terminal, Refresh, Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, Rename, New Folder, Download, and Upload.
File explorer enables you to explore the Appliance’s (SLES -Unix) file system, breadcrumb navigation, upload, download, refresh, rename, create, delete, or, CCP operations (cut, copy, and paste).
Below the file path, a toolbar is displayed and you can perform the following:
Icon |
Name |
Description |
Terminal Settings |
To change the terminal theme display settings. |
Select Path |
To select file path that is displayed on the breadcrumb. |
Settings |
To configure show or hide files. |
/ |
Breadcrumb |
Displays the path for selected file or folder. |
Parent Directory |
Display the contents of the parent folder in the tabular view. |
Download |
To download files and folders under a specified folder. |
Upload |
Supports multiple file upload; folder upload is not supported. |
New folder |
Creates a folder in the current folder. |
New file |
Creates a new file in the current folder. |
Refresh |
Updates the tabular view with the latest contents from the appliance. |
Delete |
Enables you to delete multiple files and folders under a specified folder. |