4.1 Running PostgreSQL Upgrade Tool

Before you run the PostgreSQL Migration tool, you should accomplish the set of prerequisites mentioned below. Also, you need to perform a few steps while preparing for the upgrade process. Once you complete these steps, then you can run the PostgreSQL Migration tool.

NOTE:Embedded PostgresSQL 16.x is not supported on ZENworks 24.2 or prior versions, and is meant for transition period only. You must upgrade to ZENworks 24.4 or later versions immediately after upgrading to PostgreSQL 16.x.

4.1.1 Prerequisites

Before you run the PostgreSQL Migration tool, ensure you meet the following prerequisites:

  • Download the zenworks-postgres-migration-tool-1.zip file available for ZENworks 24.4 version from Software Licenses and Downloads

  • Run this migration tool only on the ZENworks server with Embedded PostgreSQL having Database Role

  • Run this migration tool on ZENworks 23.4 server or later version on the Linux platform

  • If the zone has multiple Primary Servers, then stop the following ZENworks services running on all the other Primary Servers in the zone:

    • Micro Focus ZENworks Administration Management

    • Micro Focus ZENworks Client Management

    • Micro Focus ZENworks Loader

  • Ensure the server machine has sufficient disk space (more than twice the size of the existing PostgreSQL data folder (/var/opt/microfocus/pgsql/data/) size

4.1.2 Run PostgreSQL Upgrade Tool

If you have Windows Primary Server with embedded PostgreSQL on ZENworks 23.4, then first you need to migrate either to Linux primary server or ZENworks appliances. For more information, see ZENworks Server.

After you migrate from Windows Primary Server, then run the PostgreSQL Migration tool. To start the PostgreSQL Upgrade tool, run the following command:

sh postgresql-migration-tool.sh

You can view the PostgreSQL migration logs at:


NOTE:The PostgreSQL Upgrade tool will stop the services itself on the server where the upgrade is getting performed and will restart the stopped services once the execution completes.

Once the PostgreSQL upgrade is complete, start the ZENworks services on all the other Primary Servers in the zone using the following command:

microfocus-zenworks-configure -c Start


  • In case if the upgrade fails, the PostgreSQL Upgrade tool will automatically rollback the changes.

  • It is recommended to clean-up the /var/opt/microfocus/pgsql/data_old folder post successful upgrade of embedded PostgreSQL.